feedback & email



I have a feedback form on a 2003 FP web that sends the coments to a email
adress. This works just fine. However, if i do the same thing to a subweb, I
get an error message that says that it will not work because in is on a disk
based server or the like. even if I import the form that works to the subweb
or open the server version in FP and set things up, it will not work. Is
there a basic problem when using feedback forms in a subweb?

Andrew Murray

This is probably because the FP server ext only work on the root web, I
think your host must install the extensions on the subweb (since a subweb is
a web within a web, the FPSE must be installed for each separately) Check
with your host, they'd be best to answer this question.


What is the exact error message? It sounds like _derived/norbots.htm,
which implies your original form was FTPed to the server.
If you can open the subweb in FrontPage, then the form should work as it
does in the root web. However, you should Publish the form page from the
root, not Import it - importing may also import the configuration from the
root web, which will definitely fail in the subweb.


What I have is a sub-web. I click on the sub-web open it up and edit the
feedback form (set e-mail adress, etc) and when I click OK I get:

This form cannot be configured to send results via e-mail. The website may
be located on a diskbased server or on a server that has not been configured
to send e-mails. and then to contact the service provider.

A feedback form on the root web works just fine so it seems that it has
something to do with the fact it is in a root web. The feedback form was
created in the sub-web and not imported from the root and I publish Http not
FtP so the extensions should be Ok.....any ideas?



Are you working on your PC, or on the server? If on the PC, ignore the
error and Publish.
A form in a subweb will do the same things as a form in the root web,
provided it is configured correctly - that is, any saved files are saved
within the subweb, etc. Using a subweb should not make any difference to
availability of email.
If the page is published, a link to it may help.


Boy you are good! I think it was the "any saved files are saved within the
subweb" I fixed this and it is working great.

Many thanks!

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