Few Questions


Jason Hall

Ive installed groove server 2007 beta and got most of it working but due to
the beta expiring im unable to get clients to connect to the server. (im
guessing this is the problem anyway)

So i have a few questions about the Groove server and client.

1.) If a roaming user logs onto a different pc does it sync the full
workspace locally to the PC. If not is there some sort of server/client

2.) Is there a webaccess component.

Thanks for any help


Your Groove server - is that the Mgmnt Server and/or Relay Server?
Are your Groove clients' licenses expiring as well ? (i.e., are these trial
Trial licenses (generally) continue in a 'reduced' mode (not quite sure what
that is but I guess it prunes most of the feature including bandwidth). The
Groove client can run independently of the Groove Mgmnt Server.

'Roaming User' (not sure what you mean by that in the Groove context). A
Groove client on a laptop can be connected anywhere on the net and can remain
in sync.

Groove Web Services (GWS SDK) provides the API to access your Groove client
(locally) and to the Groove DataBridge Server (remotely). More details here -

(if you are interested in GWS and Groove development - pick up Groove
developer workspace invitations mentioned below)



sbc111 atspamnot gmail dotty com


Pickup Groove Developer workspaces:
http://www.ctdotnet.org (bottom of page)

Jason Hall

Thanks for the reply.

Sorry i never worded it great.
Yes the groove server is the mgmt and relay server.
Its intergrated with AD

The question was if we have a user with a laptop, he can sync his laptop
anywhere no problem but what happens if he logs onto a different pc with
groove installed. Will the groove client try and sync his full workspace or
can he download files on demand?

As for the problem i had it turns out it wasn't because of the beta expiring
but it was NOD32 that was blocking GROOVE.EXE so the client was unable to
connect to the server.



I am presuming that his account on both the machines (laptop & pc) are the
same but running on 'multiple computers'. In that case, his workspaces can
sync up provided he has the workspaces on both machines.



sbc111 atspamnot gmail dotty com


Pickup Groove Developer workspaces:
http://www.ctdotnet.org (bottom of page)

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