few suggestions



I had been using OneNote from the 2003 Office release, and in 2007 Office it
has gotten much better, but still few things i would like within OneNote,
Integration with SharePoint, one place for all notes, problem which I face a
lot is I have two work laptops, and one home laptop, it is so damn hard to
manage all of these notes in so many different places, other thing would be
the tagging feature within OneNote for pages (by tagging I am referring to
the way we do it in social bookmarking sites like technochrati and etc, in
taxonomies OneNote is good but when it comes to Folksonomies it needs some
work), other thing would be the a browser based environment for OneNote
(think of it in a way as we have it for Excel in form of Excel Services and
for InfoPath in form of Forms Server and Forms Services), integration of
Outlook with SharePoint is really cool and for OneNote it could be more
cooler for example in Meetings Workspaces we give invites using Outlook 2007
and a workspace is created within WSS 3.0 so we could manage meeting notes
from OneNote but could be viewed and stored from a WSS site as well (this is
just one example, other you could do is the blogging from OneNote to
SharePoint or Wiki view, edit, creation and deletion from OneNote for
SharePoint as well)

I hope you guys get the point.

M. Hassan Raza
Solutions Architect
CRM & Portal Development Unit
Coventry University

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.


John Guin

Hello Hassan,

This is quite a list.

One item you mention, a web based environment for OneNote, has a powertoy
which may help. David Tse wrote an HTML exporter. It lets you create an
HTML representation of a notebook to put on a web server. Check it out at

Yes, having notebooks scattered all over the place is a problem. We work
very well with sharepoint as you mention. I'm curious as to why you don't
put all your notebooks there and then you can access them from any location?

I also wish you could blog from OneNote. When my Lenovo died, it took the
only working system I had to run my blog (http://blogs.msdn.com/johnguin). I
had it set up to publish to my blog from ON via Word, but when I lost that
machine, I haven't had time to set up that workflow again. I just cut and
paste from ON for now...

Anyway, check out the web exporter and see if it helps,
John Guin



Thanks for a quick response. Yeah it is big list, I have used that power toy
already and it is really cool, but still to make an organization wide
adoption for OneNote you need more than a power toy. But still never the less
I love OneNote it has solved so many problems of mine for notes taking and
mantaining it, now I haven't lost any of my notes from year 2004 'that is a
big achievement for me I would say and obviously there was so much help from

I agree that we can put Notes on SharePoint 3.0/2007 document library but
that works good in some cases but not always, just to give you an example you
search for content on a SharePoint site you find people, some word docs, and
some OneNote notes, but not everyone can open them because not everyone has
OneNote with them, so providing something like that within/from SharePoint
would make OneNotes acceptance far much more than it is now.

I have one question though, will you guys be doing something with OneNote UX
in Office 14 release, I like the new Ribbon UX in

and last but not the least when on a page in OneNote you can have as many
different sections/places on the same page where you can write, so why not
provide a functionality of having sub-titles for those sections as well,
because right now to do it I usually do it using the Bold/Font '12'/Underline
so that I could know from looking at the page that how many different things
I have.

The new Drawing tools in Word/Excel/PowerPoint are really cool, if we could
have that within OneNote as well than it would be so easy to do everything
within one location.

Anyways thanks again for your reply.
Wish you guys all the best of lucks for OneNotes future releases

Takecares and have fun

Rainald Taesler

I read your posting many times and still have it marked as unread
because I wanted to reply to some of your points.
Unfortunately you had made it very difficult by putting numerous
different issues in just one posting and this without a break …

As some of your remarks are very valid, would you please post your
ideas - one by one - as suggestions for the next version in "Connect",
the place for submitting
suggestions and bug reports to the developers team:

When done, pls drop a note with the URL in here so that we can jump in
and vote for your suggestion

Just a few remarks:
… one place for all
notes, problem which I face a lot is I have two work laptops, and
one home laptop, it is so damn hard to manage all of these notes in
so many different places,

IMO with just 3 computers involved there would not really be a problem.
OneNote has a fantastic synchronization feature.
You just would have to decide which laptop would be the *main* machine.
You would then put *all* of your ON notebooks there and remove them on
the other two machines. On the latter you would open the notebooks from
a shared device on the *main* computer.
This way everything would be synched automatically as long as the
machines are connected.



Thanks for telling me where to put the suggestions and bug for future releases.

I didnt knew about the sync feature, i will look into it.


Rainald Taesler

Hassan said:
Thanks for telling me where to put the suggestions and bug for
future releases.

You're welcome.
I didnt knew about the sync feature, i will look into it.

Do so, the sooner, the better!
The automatic synchronization is a simply fantastic thing. IMO best
innovation in the software world I came across in the last years.

If any questions, open a new thread and ask.



Rainald Taesler said:
You're welcome.

Do so, the sooner, the better!
The automatic synchronization is a simply fantastic thing. IMO best
innovation in the software world I came across in the last years.

If any questions, open a new thread and ask.


Can you assist someone technologically-challenged? Here's my dilemma:
I have Onenote on all 4 computers in my household. I always had wanted to
sync them (type on one & have the others updated accordingly.)
A tech was out to work on router problems & I mentioned this onenote
request. He set it up where one file (from the Work section) synced with the
After he left, I decided to try to get a file from the Personal section to
sync. I tried & tried and finally seemed to get it. But when I was checking
it on the last 2 laptops, it didn't seem to be working. I went to the
"share" tab along the top of the notebook, tried to set it up through that.
If this sounds like a tangled mess, it is.
What I have now, is none of them syncing and along the left of the notebooks
there looks like a little sync symbol with a red diagonal line through it.
The tech had set things up with one computer as my server, and the other
ones called "z" drives, all to be found under "My Computer".
My server has Vista Home & the others have XP home, if that makes a
He said only one can be opened at a time for it to work.
Can anyone give my very clear steps to untangle this (a work of mercy on
your part). I can't afford any more expensive tech house calls (many in a
row lately, including $200.00 to find out the dog had chewed the cable for my
internet service.
Also, what is the best way to do this syncing of onenote's through the web -
is there a way to have them all update when you enter on one of them & have
it be accessible through the web?
Thanks very much for any help you can give,

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