I am creating a template for use in my medical office. I want to have a form
where I will fill in a patient's name in the regular text area of the first
page of the document, but then want the same information in header of the
subsequent pages (pages 2 and onward). I named the text fields (LastName and
FirstName) on the first page and then put {Ref LastName} and {Ref FirstName}
in the header of the second page, but when I open the document I get error
messages in the header instead of the patients last and first names. What am
I doing wrong? I hope someone can help.
where I will fill in a patient's name in the regular text area of the first
page of the document, but then want the same information in header of the
subsequent pages (pages 2 and onward). I named the text fields (LastName and
FirstName) on the first page and then put {Ref LastName} and {Ref FirstName}
in the header of the second page, but when I open the document I get error
messages in the header instead of the patients last and first names. What am
I doing wrong? I hope someone can help.