Field calculation error using calculated dates



I am using Word 2003. The document includes mail merge fields for several
dates and derives additional dates based on one of the mail merge fields.
Based on comparisons between sets of dates, I generate conditional text.

The section below is typical of what I want to accomplish:
Given mail merge fields for a reference date and a next payment date, I want
to compare the next payment date to the reference date, and if the next
payment date occurs after the reference date, calculate a date 1 day prior to
the next payment date, and generate the appropriate conditional text.

Between {DATE \@ "MM/dd/yy"} and {IF {MERGEFIELD PaymentDueDate \@
"mmdyyyy"} >= {MERGEFIELD Extended_EFS_DATE \@ "mmdyyyy"}
"{MERGEFIELD Extended_EFS_DATE \@ "mmdyyyy"}"
{SET Delay -1}
"{mm}-{dd}-{yy}" \@ "MM/dd/yy}"}, you must pay ${ REF AmtDue}.

I am experiencing problems very similar to those reported by Lani in a post
dated 2/3/2006. I get a Field Calculation Error message for each record in
the data source (although the calculated results generally appear to be
correct) and I am getting a -2 days delay whenever I use a February
NextPaymentDate. I am using macropod's n days delay as a starting point.

Would apprectiate any help.

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