Field calculation resulting as 0 (second request for help)



Hello, I have submitted this question a week or so ago and the suggestions
received were not helpful to me. Can someone look into this? Sorry for the
lenght of the message, I put the message thread from beginning...
Initial request:
Trying to calculated the number of vacation-days left for each employee.
The results comes up as 0 in every employee records. Why?
Fields are:
#MonthsWorked : =DateDiff("m",[Datehired],Date())
#DaysAccumulated: =[#MonthsWorked]*2.5
#DaysTaken: manual entry and thefield where I get the wrong result:
#DaysLeft: =Sum([#DayAccumulated]-[#DaysTalen]) - this calculation is
returning 0 in every records.

Suggestion for Microsoft
Sum is not required to carry out the calculation;
Me.#DaysLeft: =Me.#DayAccumulated - Me.#DaysTaken. The Me. part is
assuming they are field names rather than dimmed variables, if they are
dimmed variables obviously remove the Me. part!

My Response:
I tried the suggested formula but it returns #Name?
FYI, I use the Expression builder to enter the formula as I'm not a
programmer. Any other suggestions?
I wonder; since the field #DaysAccumulated is a calculated field, would that
be cause for the error?

Suggestion for Microsoft:
How did you try it, with the Me. part or without, I think (never use
Expression builder myself) you should have; #DaysLeft:
If you still get 0 then remove the DaysTaken half of the calculation to
check that DaysAccumulted is retuirning a valid number.

My Response:
I tried:
Me.#DaysLeft = Me.#DayAccumulated - Me.#DaysTaken - returns #Name? In the
Expression Builder, by default, it adds a = sign in front of the whole
formula, making it look like this: =Me.#DaysLeft: =Me.#DayAccumulated -
Me.#DaysTaken therefore making the formula wrong.
=me.#DayAccumulated-me.#DaysTaken - returns #Name?
=[#DayAccumulated]-[#DaysTaken] - returns #Name? as well.
=Sum([employee info]!#DayAccumulated-[employee info]!#DaysTaken) - return 0
=Sum([#DayAccumulated]-[#DaysTaken]) - returns and empty field
The formula in #DayAccumulated is returning a valid number.

Suggestion for Microsoft:
ummmm, can you not put; Me.[#DaysLeft:] = Iif(Not
IsNull(Me.[#DayAccumulated]),Me.[#DayAccumulated],0) - Iif(Not
In the afterUpdate event of each of the 2 textboxes concerned in vba? and
scrap the expression builder part entirely?

My Response:
Thanks but this does not help me as I need to find a solution for this and I
will not start to learn programming in VBA today!!
Can you pass my request to someone who is familiar with Expression builder?

THank you!!

Douglas J. Steele

If it's possible that the value is Null, I'm afraid you need to tell Access
what to do with Null values.

The suggestion you posted (using IIf) is one approach, but a simpler
approach is to use the Nz function.

Me.#DaysLeft: = Nz(Me.#DayAccumulated, 0) - Nz(Me.#DaysTaken, 0)

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

margot_eon said:
Hello, I have submitted this question a week or so ago and the
received were not helpful to me. Can someone look into this? Sorry for
lenght of the message, I put the message thread from beginning...
Initial request:
Trying to calculated the number of vacation-days left for each employee.
The results comes up as 0 in every employee records. Why?
Fields are:
#MonthsWorked : =DateDiff("m",[Datehired],Date())
#DaysAccumulated: =[#MonthsWorked]*2.5
#DaysTaken: manual entry and thefield where I get the wrong result:
#DaysLeft: =Sum([#DayAccumulated]-[#DaysTalen]) - this calculation is
returning 0 in every records.

Suggestion for Microsoft
Sum is not required to carry out the calculation;
Me.#DaysLeft: =Me.#DayAccumulated - Me.#DaysTaken. The Me. part is
assuming they are field names rather than dimmed variables, if they are
dimmed variables obviously remove the Me. part!

My Response:
I tried the suggested formula but it returns #Name?
FYI, I use the Expression builder to enter the formula as I'm not a
programmer. Any other suggestions?
I wonder; since the field #DaysAccumulated is a calculated field, would
be cause for the error?

Suggestion for Microsoft:
How did you try it, with the Me. part or without, I think (never use
Expression builder myself) you should have; #DaysLeft:
If you still get 0 then remove the DaysTaken half of the calculation to
check that DaysAccumulted is retuirning a valid number.

My Response:
I tried:
Me.#DaysLeft = Me.#DayAccumulated - Me.#DaysTaken - returns #Name? In the
Expression Builder, by default, it adds a = sign in front of the whole
formula, making it look like this: =Me.#DaysLeft: =Me.#DayAccumulated -
Me.#DaysTaken therefore making the formula wrong.
=me.#DayAccumulated-me.#DaysTaken - returns #Name?
=[#DayAccumulated]-[#DaysTaken] - returns #Name? as well.
=Sum([employee info]!#DayAccumulated-[employee info]!#DaysTaken) - return
=Sum([#DayAccumulated]-[#DaysTaken]) - returns and empty field
The formula in #DayAccumulated is returning a valid number.

Suggestion for Microsoft:
ummmm, can you not put; Me.[#DaysLeft:] = Iif(Not
IsNull(Me.[#DayAccumulated]),Me.[#DayAccumulated],0) - Iif(Not
In the afterUpdate event of each of the 2 textboxes concerned in vba?
scrap the expression builder part entirely?

My Response:
Thanks but this does not help me as I need to find a solution for this and
will not start to learn programming in VBA today!!
Can you pass my request to someone who is familiar with Expression

THank you!!

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