Field Code WOn't Perform


Mike H.

I inserted the following Field Code:
MACROBUTTON NOName [Click and type the Who Should Come]

There is no macro named NOName and when I click it nothing happens. I can
toggle using Alt-F9 and see it 2 ways:
{MACROBUTTON NOName [Click and type the Who Should Come]}
[Click and type the Who Should Come]

But neither way allows me to enter any text. Ideas?


Hi Mike,

The whole point of using a MACROBUTTON field this way is that, as soon as you start typing in it, the field gets deleted. If that's
not what you want, perhaps you need to attach a macro to the MACROBUTTON field or use a FILLIN field coded along the lines of:
{FILLIN "Click, Press F9 and input Who Should Come"}

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