Field Codes Macrobuttons



I have a word document with field codes and what I want to do is when
the user types the feet in the first field that the second field
automaticly displays the metric equivelant.

I found the code to convert to metric but I need help with the field

Public Const InchToMeter As Double = 0.0254
Public Const FootToMeter As Double = 0.3048
Public Const DecimalSign As String = "."
Public Const FootInd As String = "'"
Public Const InchInd As String = """"

Enum SrcType
Imperial = 1
Metric = 2
End Enum

Public Sub Convert()
Dim strConvert As String

strConvert = ConvertSys("7'29", 1)
'strConvert = ConvertSys("26.5", 2)

MsgBox "the converted number is " & strConvert
End Sub

Public Function ConvertSys(ByVal InputVal As String, ByVal SourceType
As SrcType) As String

Dim lFoot As Long
Dim lInch As Long
Dim dMeter As Double
Dim dFoot As Double
Dim dInch As Double
Dim dTemp As Double
Dim sResult As String
Dim arrTemp As Variant

Select Case SourceType
Case 1
arrTemp = Split(InputVal, FootInd)
lFoot = CLng(arrTemp(0))
If UBound(arrTemp) = 0 Then
lInch = 0
lInch = CLng(Val(arrTemp(1)))
End If
dMeter = (lFoot * FootToMeter) + (lInch * InchToMeter)
sResult = CStr(Format(dMeter, "standard")) & " meters"
Case 2
dTemp = (CDec(InputVal) / FootToMeter)
arrTemp = Split(dTemp, DecimalSign)
lFoot = CLng(arrTemp(0))
dInch = Round((dTemp - lFoot) * 12)
sResult = CStr(lFoot & "' " & dInch & Chr(34))
End Select
ConvertSys = sResult
End Function

___ ft [___ m]

field codes:
the Q is red color
{MACROBUTTON NoMacro {Quote "___" \*CharFormat}} ft [{MACROBUTTON
NoMacro {Quote "___" \*CharFormat}} m]

Word Heretic

G'day "frogman" <[email protected]>,

if you use a formfield and protect the section for forms, you can then
link your macros to the onexit routine, and read the value to operate
from using the bookmark of the field.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic

steve from (Email replies require payment)
Without prejudice

frogman reckoned:

Charles Kenyon

For that matter, if you mark the field to calculate on exit, you can use a
calculation field (not even a formfield) to display the results. No need for
any macros.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: which is awesome!
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from my ignorance and your wisdom.

Word Heretic said:
G'day "frogman" <[email protected]>,

if you use a formfield and protect the section for forms, you can then
link your macros to the onexit routine, and read the value to operate
from using the bookmark of the field.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic

steve from (Email replies require payment)
Without prejudice

frogman reckoned:
I have a word document with field codes and what I want to do is when
the user types the feet in the first field that the second field
automaticly displays the metric equivelant.

I found the code to convert to metric but I need help with the field

Public Const InchToMeter As Double = 0.0254
Public Const FootToMeter As Double = 0.3048
Public Const DecimalSign As String = "."
Public Const FootInd As String = "'"
Public Const InchInd As String = """"

Enum SrcType
Imperial = 1
Metric = 2
End Enum

Public Sub Convert()
Dim strConvert As String

strConvert = ConvertSys("7'29", 1)
'strConvert = ConvertSys("26.5", 2)

MsgBox "the converted number is " & strConvert
End Sub

Public Function ConvertSys(ByVal InputVal As String, ByVal SourceType
As SrcType) As String

Dim lFoot As Long
Dim lInch As Long
Dim dMeter As Double
Dim dFoot As Double
Dim dInch As Double
Dim dTemp As Double
Dim sResult As String
Dim arrTemp As Variant

Select Case SourceType
Case 1
arrTemp = Split(InputVal, FootInd)
lFoot = CLng(arrTemp(0))
If UBound(arrTemp) = 0 Then
lInch = 0
lInch = CLng(Val(arrTemp(1)))
End If
dMeter = (lFoot * FootToMeter) + (lInch * InchToMeter)
sResult = CStr(Format(dMeter, "standard")) & " meters"
Case 2
dTemp = (CDec(InputVal) / FootToMeter)
arrTemp = Split(dTemp, DecimalSign)
lFoot = CLng(arrTemp(0))
dInch = Round((dTemp - lFoot) * 12)
sResult = CStr(lFoot & "' " & dInch & Chr(34))
End Select
ConvertSys = sResult
End Function

___ ft [___ m]

field codes:
the Q is red color
{MACROBUTTON NoMacro {Quote "___" \*CharFormat}} ft [{MACROBUTTON
NoMacro {Quote "___" \*CharFormat}} m]

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