Field codes



Is there a way to manipulate the information in a FieldCode? Here's what I'm
trying to do:
The filename of my document is "ABC-D-EFG-123-HIJ-456 name1 name2 name3
789012" (1st part is always 21 characters, last part is always 6 characters,
middle part (names) can vary)
In my header I added field code for Filename.
What I like to do is split the filename into 3 pieces and put them on 3
different (successive) lines.
What I get- "ABC-D-EFG-123-H IJ-456 name1 name2 name3 789012"
What I want-
ABC-D-EFG-123-H IJ-456
name1 name2 name3

And if I could get real fancy, inject words like this
Doc Number: "ABC-D-EFG-123-HIJ-456"
Doc Name: "name1 name2 name3"
Revision: "789012"

I know how I could do this in VBA using RIGHT LEFT & LEN commands but I'd
like to keep it simple.


Graham Mayor

You cannot use parts of fields in this way. vba is the only possibility.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

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