Temporary change or permanent change. If you want to permanently change the
data do you need to change existing data (use an update query) or data as it
is entered into a form (use the control's after update event).
1) You can use the strConv function
2) Use UCase or strConv
UCase([FieldName] or StrConv([FieldName],1)
3) and 4) are a bit unclear. Do you mean you want to capitalize the first
letter of each word and the next letter after those characters? If that is
correct, you will need a custom VBA function.
Try the following (NOT FULLY TESTED - use at your own risk). I wrote this long
ago and it is probably not the most efficient code.
Public Function Title_Case(strChange As Variant, _
Optional strAddedSeparators As String) As Variant
'AUTHOR: John Spencer
'LAST MODIFIED: June 30, 1999
'DESCRIPTION: Changes characters in string to
'Uppercase the first letter of each word
'EXAMPLE: Title_Case("a Little red engine/that could")
' returns "A Little Red Engine/That Could"
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim strSeparator As String
strSeparator = " -&({[/:." & Chr(34) 'Uppercase character after
'one of these separator characters
'Chr 34 is double quote mark
Title_Case = strChange
If VarType(strChange) = vbString Then
If Len(strChange) > 0 Then
strSeparator = strSeparator & strAddedSeparators
strChange = UCase(Left(strChange, 1)) & _
LCase(Right(strChange, Len(strChange) - 1)) 'Do the first letter
For intCount = 2 To Len(strChange)
'UCase any letter that follows a space, dash, &, etc.
If InStr(strSeparator, Mid(strChange, intCount - 1, 1)) <> 0 Then
strChange = Left(strChange, intCount - 1) & _
UCase(Mid(strChange, intCount, 1)) & _
Mid(strChange, (intCount + 1))
End If
Next intCount
Title_Case = strChange
End If
Title_Case = strChange
End If 'vartype is string
End Function
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2010
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County