Field From Different Tables




Firstly a little background information. I have a database which I have
created to track company assets. I have used the standard inventory tracking
template and modified it for my own company. I have two problems with this;

1. The main form (assets) opens up a Subform (depreciation) in which I want
to display information from different tables, but I cannot do this for some
reason. The data is linked via a Primary Key in the Assets table, but I
wanted to display information, relating to that asset from the Depreciation
table, any suggestions?

2. Secondly, I want to calculate the value of an asset in one of my fields
in the assets table based on information from the depreciation table. The
value needs to sum up all depreciation on a paticluar asset (multiple
instance in the Depreciation table) and minus the total depreciation from the
purchase price, any idea's?

Thanks in Advance!!


1. Hard to say with so little information. Have you checked the Link Master
field and Link Child field properties in the subform control?

2. One of the basic rules of database normalization is "Do Not Carry
Calculated Values in a Field". It wastes space, takes time, and is prone to
be wrong at some point in time. Calculate the value when you need to present
it on a form in a report or if you need to use it in another calculation.

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