We are using the following method, if you modify it you
can reach the same goals:
- to each project an autorun macro is attached
- if the PM change the value of a certain field
- the macro will notice this, the original value is copied
to another field typically not visible
- after the modification is accepted (user press enter)
- this is detected again and the original value of the
temporary field is retrieved and stored in the field again
It's a complex workaround, which also uses CPU cycles for
each modification you do to the plan, but it allows you to
have fixed values in certain fields.
Another method could be: storing the values in field eg
Number11, and define Number 1 = Number 11 as a formula. In
the views for the PM you only show the column Number1 and
not Number11.
People who have the rights/roles in your organisation are
aware of Number11, the other not.
Grtz Kurt