Field not included in calculation when hidden



I have a few controls within an Optional Section that are part of a
calculation. Basically, it's part of a Sales Order doc I am working
up, and some customers will get a discount while others will not. The
ones that don't get a discount, I don't want them to know that a
discount is available.

All the discount info is within an Optional Section, but unless I show
txtDiscountAmount in the form, then txtGrandTotal (which depends on
txtDiscountAmount) returns NaN.

What I want to do is to set a conditional statement whereby, if the
Optional Section within which txtDiscountAmount resides is not made
visible by the user, then txtGrandTotal still works.

In other words, I am not sure how to create a formula within
txtGrandTotal that depends on whether txtDiscountAmount is visible. If
it's not, just total up txtSubTotal, txtShippingCharges, and

Clear as mud? Thanks in advance!


Perfect, thanks!

My biggest blocking issue is that I know what I want to do but I just
don't know the correct syntax. What's the quickest way to ramp up on
this? A web site? A book?

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