field order



I made a pivot table report. somthing like following, it is about serve
access count

Server1 server
server3 server 4
Date time
10/1/2004 1:00pm -6:00pm 1000 5600 50050
10/1/2004 8:00am -12:00pm 23424 4234 4234
9/29/2004 1:00pm -6:00pm 2 3243 32
9/29/2004 8:00am -12:00pm x x
x x
9/30/2004 1:00pm -6:00pm x x
x x
9/30/2004 8:eek:oam -12:00pm 256 4545 4545

I cannot sort the rows headings, like 10/1 always come before 9/29, an
1:00 comes before 8:00 am, I think it sorts like a text string instea
of date time, I tried to manually move them, but get message : yo
cannot move cells in pivotTableReport.

I tried to change it in original source data, but field like 8:00-10:0
has to be a text and cannot changed to be time, and sorted in that way

How can I solve this problem

Thanks in advanc

Debra Dalgleish

You can create a custom sort order:

In a cell on a blank worksheet, type your list of time groupings
Select the list of times
Choose Tools>Options
Select the Custom Lists tab
Click the Import button, click OK

When you create a new pivot table, times will be in the order of the
custom list.

To sort the times in an existing pivot table, select a cell in the
times column, and choose Data>Sort
Click the Options button, and choose your time list.

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