Michael Clavien
I would like to insert text in a report like
= Iff( [SIEquiSer] =E*, 0, "Serviced to manufacturer specifications")
if the field [SIEquiSer] starts by E* then print "Serviced to
manufacturer specifications"
This field come from a query
Michael Clavien
Indcontrol Electronics
CAMPERDOWN NSW 2050 Australia Ph: +61 2 9519 6650 Fax +61 2 9519 7460
= Iff( [SIEquiSer] =E*, 0, "Serviced to manufacturer specifications")
if the field [SIEquiSer] starts by E* then print "Serviced to
manufacturer specifications"
This field come from a query
Michael Clavien
Indcontrol Electronics
CAMPERDOWN NSW 2050 Australia Ph: +61 2 9519 6650 Fax +61 2 9519 7460