1. Try selecting the field then using cmd-shift-F9 (See
http://word.mvps.org/mac/FieldsInMacWord.html for further info. on
field-related keys. On some keyboards you need to use fn to get the F9
so it would be fn-cmd-shift-F9
2. There's another article by Daiya Mitchell about toolbar/menu
customization that suggests you create new toolbars rather than
customizing existing ones, but I have also given some steps for
modifying existing ones below...
3. Use Tools->Customize->Customize Toolbars/Menus to: Select Commands,
select All commands in the list on the left, locate UnlinkFields in the
list on the right and drag it to a nenu. Then click the OK button in the
Customize Toolbars/Menus dialog box.
4. Once you've been through (2), which is partly a warm-up exercise, try
using Tools->Customize->Customize Toolbars/Menus to: Select Toolbars,
select Shortcut Menus (you'll probably need to scroll to the bottom of
the list. You should see a toolbar pop up with e.g. Text Table Draw on
it. But ignore that for now. Click on the Commands button/tab at the top
of the dialog box, ensure All Commands is selected, and locate
UnlinkFields in the list on the right. Drag Unlinkfields to the Text
item on that pop-up toolbar we just ignored. Don't drop the item yet! A
long list of context menus related to Text should open up. Keep dragging
to the Fields item. The Fields context menu should open up. `Keep
dragging to the point in the menu where you want the command, then drop
the item. Then click the OK button in the Customize Toolbars/Menus
dialog box. Try right-clicking on the field and the command should be
Because Word sometimes does not know which context menu to show (e.g. it
might show a spell-check menu rather than the field menu) I find it
useful to do (3) anyway, or when I'm doing a lot of this stuff, to
create a new toolbar and put field-related stuff on it.
Peter Jamieson