field update on document open


Jan Kucera

Hi, is there any way how to update the fields on document open without

(or at least in the xml file before openning)

Thanks, Jan.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Jan,
is there any way how to update the fields on document open without

(or at least in the xml file before openning)
Ehhh... Maybe. First, see the information in these articles about
which fields should be updated under what conditions:

"WD97: Fields Updated When Document Repaginated"

"The FILENAME field does not automatically update when you
open a document in Word 2002 or Word 2003"

You also need to be aware of this:
WD: How the Behavior of the Word Fields Changes After You Install the
Word Update

If the document is opened in Print Layout view quite a few fields
will be updated, but not necessarily all.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow
question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Jan Kucera

Hmm Cindy, that seems only few are going to be updated...
I'm interested about document variables, as one could guess from my posts
last days o:) so as I can see there is no change to make them updated on
open without macros.

Nevermind, I will go through the XML and update the values manually before
sending to the client. Perhaps I find some good xpath to get them all at
once. :)

Thanks, Jan.

PS: If you think I should stay at one thread all my development instead of
opening new every question please let me know.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Jan,
PS: If you think I should stay at one thread all my development instead of
opening new every question please let me know.
As convolute as this is getting, I'd say no. Keep on as you're going :)!

If a question depends on something in another thread, it wouldn't hurt to say
something like: "for more details, see the thread entitled "XYZ", post of
date May 11 2006". For those of us using a "decent" newsreader, it shouldn't
be any problem to scroll through the list and find it.

Cindy Meister

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