Hi H,
Not sure which part of the original thread you're replying
to, and this gives two possible answers:
If the problem was that the Ctrl-A then F9 approach didn't
work, go into Tools|Options|Print and make sure
the 'Update Fields' option is checked. That may be
sufficient to get the fields to update by doing a Print
Preview. If not, clicking the print button, then
immediately double-clicking the printer icon that appears
on the status bar at the bottom of the Word window (to
cancel the printing) should work.
If the problem was that the macro didn't update fields in
headers/footers, try the following-
Sub RefreshFields()
Dim oSection As Section
Dim shp as Shape
Dim oHeadFoot As HeaderFooter
For Each oSection In ActiveDocument.Sections
For Each oHeadFoot In oSection.Footers
If Not oHeadFoot.LinkToPrevious Then
End If
For Each oHeadFoot In oSection.Headers
If Not oHeadFoot.LinkToPrevious Then
End If
Next 'oSection
For Each shp In doc.Shapes
With shp.TextFrame
If .HasText Then
End If
End With
End Sub
PS: Remove NO.SPAM from the above before replying.