Field wont auto fill ?


Dave Elliott

I have a Textbox field on my main form that is bound to the control Rate and
it is in currency format and its purpose is to show the customers Rate at
which to be charged.
The problem is that it does not show this automatically, it has to be filled
in manually.
I have another textbox on the form which the control source is set to
this value is from the customers combo lookup (NameB) it looks up the
customers info such as city, state, Rate. etc...
Text500 is the name of the text box which should show the above formula
since it has as its default value =[NameB].[Column](10)/2
and its control source set to Rate from the table the form is based on...

this does not work, why?


Let's call the text box txtRate. What is its Control Source? From where
will it get the rate that you would like it to show?

Dave Elliott

The texbox is named (Text500) and its control source is set to (Rate) which
is a field in my table that the form is based on
It (Text500) will get the (Rate) from the lookup combo box on the main form
which is named (NameB) which in turn looks up the customer, address, Rate,
specifically the lookup for this field (Rate) via the lookup combo box is;


You may want to consider putting the cutomer information into a subform, and
using the combo box to select a record based on the combo box selection (the
combo box wizard can take care of that).
You have said both that the rate is Column(10) and that it is Column(10)/2.
If the latter, it would probably be better to perform the calculation in the
row source query. If the information is already in the combo box row source
there is no need to store it again. I suspect there may be some difficulties
with the structure of your database. It sounds as if you are storing
customer information redundantly in many records. If so, what happens if the
customer address changes?
Having said all that, it should work. Since it doesn't, remember that
Column(10) is actually the eleventh column, and that your combo box Column
Count will need to be set to at least 11.

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