fields and then merging text-automating a task



OK no experience with this at all!!

I have a document that is arrange in a series of tables so that under a
specific heading scores can be entered and then a large part of the table is
for comments.

I would like to have a series of standard comments on another document that
can be merged into the original table comment area by using a code or hot key
or such that will remove the manual repitition.

I thought I would need to create part of the table that has the comments
area as a field? and then ????

Understand what I am trying to do??


Terry Farrell

Look at AutoText: this allows you to create and save virtually anything in
Word (text, words, tables, graphics, etc) and assign a shortcut code which
can be repeated using the shortcut code +F3.


Thanks Terry - I have the auto text toolbar and when I 'add' text I do not
get the short cut key assign. How do I get this? I use insert - type the
words then 'add'.



Cheers Suzanne, I have yet to read the link but I apprecaite your coming to
my aid yet again. Will advise.

Terry Farrell

Select the text or object, press Alt+F3 and you should be prompted to create
a shortcut name. Be careful with the convenion you decide to use for the
shortcuts. Avoid anything that will be used in everyday typing as
AutoComplete popups will plague your life! Also note the first 4 characters
will trigger the autoComplete popup, so you want to use AutoComplete for
speed, make sure that you don't repeat those first four characters if it can
be avoided.

For example, if you used 'comp' as the shortcut for inserting your full
company name, the AutoComplete would pop up everytime you type a word
starting 'comp' and there is an awful lot of words starting like that!



Thanks again Terry, I am getting the hang of this - However the first time I
began to enter in the shortcut the pop up auto complete came up but not any
time since. Why would that be?

Terry Farrell

Make sure that it has not been disabled: there's a checkbox under Tools,
AutoCorrect Options, AutoCorrect Tab labelled 'Show AutoComplete
suggestions'. The other reason for it not too popup is that you have too
many AutoCorrect entries with competing shortcuts already :)


Suzanne S. Barnhill

AutoComplete applies only to AutoText, not AutoCorrect. AutoCorrect entries
fire automatically upon typing a space or punctuation mark.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Note that AutoComplete does not work if you have Overtype enabled and may
not if you're typing in the middle of existing text.



With reference to the ink that you supplied, have I got the syntax correct
with spaces etc? as I do not seem to have this working.

{ AutoTextList "product" \s "ProductStyle" \t "Right-click to select
product" }



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