Fields dialog is disabled with Enterprise Global checked-out


Al Himler

Working on Project Server 2007 / Project Pro 2007.

I'm logged in as Administrator, I've successfully opened my Enterprise
Global, so that it is checked out. I then go to Customize->Fields expecting
to be able to modify my enterprise custom fields, but the "Fields..." option
is disabled.

Puzzled, I checked the permissions as the Administrator through PWA, and the
Administrator (as well as the Administrators Group) has permission to Manage
Enterprise Custom Fields.

I'm a little stumped here...anybody know why the "Fields..." dialog is
disabled and what I need to do to enable it?



Al Himler

Rod, doh! I should have seen that. Thanks for the quick help on
this...keeps me moving forward tonight!



I've got two similar question concerning enterprise fields.

I haven't figured out how to edit the predefined fields (e.g. Datum1 in the
German Version). The approach in 2003 was to edit them via the checked out

I also haven't figured out how to access a list of all defined fields from
within the formular editor. In Project 2003 they were listed in the formular
editor of Project Pro Client. In the formular editor of PWA this list seems
to be missing.




I have the same issue as Al does ecept I'm not working in PS 2007.
I am working in PS 2003.

When I check out my Enterprise Global the Custom Fields... option is disabled.
How do I get access. I have Admin previledges as well.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Forrest --

You need to click Tools - Customize - Enterprise Fields when you have the
Enterprise Global file open. The Enterprise Global holds only enterprise
fields, which is why Tools - Customize - Fields is grayed out and
unavailable. Hope this helps.

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