Fields In Access Form



Please can anyone Help (Not Expert In Access)
I have a form on which i need to place more than 255
fields..Ok i have found out that i cant as get error (I
Think something like field defined) So can i use two
tables to store the different data and get the fields to
show up so i can place the combo boxs on the form???
I have tried but it seems that when i design mode and you
right mouse the top lefthand dot to get the form
properties you cant select more than one table source...Is
there a way around this???
Many Thanks
P.S I also tried creating a queiry and linking the two
tables by id / date but when i then start putting new data
in the other form still get same error...(Which Surprised
me somewhat) Also cant then get form porperties to go to


"wrpgh02" said:
Please can anyone Help (Not Expert In Access)
I have a form on which i need to place more than 255
fields..Ok i have found out that i cant as get error (I
Think something like field defined) So can i use two
tables to store the different data and get the fields to
show up so i can place the combo boxs on the form???
I have tried but it seems that when i design mode and you
right mouse the top lefthand dot to get the form
properties you cant select more than one table source...Is
there a way around this???
Many Thanks
P.S I also tried creating a queiry and linking the two
tables by id / date but when i then start putting new data
in the other form still get same error...(Which Surprised
me somewhat) Also cant then get form porperties to go to

There is a limit of 255 fields in either a table or a query. It sounds like the
database is not being set up properly, which is causing problems with the
design of the tables and forms. Ideally, you should have no more than about 20
to 30 fields in any table. Once you have this set up properly, you will then be
able to design a form based on the table.

Please post back with what you are trying to model in your database, so that we
can offer you some suggestions about setting up the tables correctly.

Larry Linson

A form with 250 disparate fields displayed (for a single record) is almost
guaranteed to be difficult for a human to use. Perhaps you might want to
rethink your design to display / use / enter the data in smaller groups that
would be more user-friendly. It may, of course, be necessary to redesign the
table structure, too. But, as has already been stated, if you can share with
us what kind of data you have and what you want to accomplish, perhaps
someone can make useful suggestions.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP


-----Original Message-----
There is a limit of 255 fields in either a table or a query. It sounds like the
database is not being set up properly, which is causing problems with the
design of the tables and forms. Ideally, you should have no more than about 20
to 30 fields in any table. Once you have this set up properly, you will then be
able to design a form based on the table.

Please post back with what you are trying to model in your database, so that we
can offer you some suggestions about setting up the tables correctly.


Jon - Access Tips and Tricks

This is a form which contains many combo / text boxes it
is a daily work sheet where basically you have a list of
dutys fixed to which you place the correct name who is
doing the duty (workforce)via combo box of names from
seperate quiry...then you have text boxes in which you can
input text also ....
Will Email You What Database Looks Like Might Help...


"wrpgh02" said:
This is a form which contains many combo / text boxes it
is a daily work sheet where basically you have a list of
dutys fixed to which you place the correct name who is
doing the duty (workforce)via combo box of names from
seperate quiry...then you have text boxes in which you can
input text also ....
Will Email You What Database Looks Like Might Help...

Please do not email me files - I will not look at them.

At a guess, you need a table that contains the staff names, a table that
contains the duties, and a third table (called a junction table) that stores
the people that are allocated to each duty.

StaffID - Primary Key
StaffName - Text

DutyID - Primary Key
DutyName -Text

StaffDutyID - Primary Key
StaffID - Long Integer - Foreign Key from tlkpStaff
DutyID - Long Integer - Foreign Key from tlkpDuty

You can then create a form that is based on tblStaffDuty that allows you to
select a member of staff to perform a duty.

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