Figure captions - how to automatically add a separator between the numbering-prefix and the text?


Michael Moser

Hi all,
I would like may captions to automatically add a separator - in
principle the same as when I select Insert => Reference => Caption =>
Numbering and then checking "Include chapter number" and then the "Use
separator" choice.

But why is this tied to the chapter number? Can't I just have the
separator-suffix but NO chapter number prepended?

They way I do this now, is to always manually add the " - " separator,
But if I want to globally change that separator, say to ": " instead I
would have to edit each and every caption. Shouldn't Word be able to
insert (and hopefully late also maintain) that for me automatically?


Shauna Kelly

Hi Michael

Is this what you're trying to achieve:

Figure 1: Picture of my dog
Figure 2: Picture of the cat

If so, then you're out of luck. Word can't do that automatically.

The best solution is to create a caption without any text, ie "Figure 1: "
(without the quotes, but note the space at the end). Select the whole
paragraph and make it into an AutoText (Insert > AutoText). Give it a name
like caption. Now, when you type capt (first four letters), you'll get a
tooltip asking if you'd like to insert a caption. Press Enter to insert the
caption. Alternatively, you can put your AutoText on a toolbar button, or
attach a keyboard shortcut to it.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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