Figure months from a anchor date



Lets say a child was born on 5-15-2004. (dob = Field 1)
There is an immunization SERVICE date (Field 2) of 5-18-2005

I need to write a query that will show me ONLY the children that had a
SERVICE DATE (above) within 12 months. Any help will be appreciated

John W. Vinson

Lets say a child was born on 5-15-2004. (dob = Field 1)
There is an immunization SERVICE date (Field 2) of 5-18-2005

I need to write a query that will show me ONLY the children that had a
SERVICE DATE (above) within 12 months. Any help will be appreciated

SELECT <whatever>
FROM <your table name>
WHERE DateDiff("m", [DOB], [SERVICE DATE]) <= 12

John W. Vinson [MVP]

Marshall Barton

buckpeace said:
Lets say a child was born on 5-15-2004. (dob = Field 1)
There is an immunization SERVICE date (Field 2) of 5-18-2005

I need to write a query that will show me ONLY the children that had a
SERVICE DATE (above) within 12 months. Any help will be appreciated

FROM table
WHERE servicedate <= DateAdd("yyyy", 1, dob)

WHERE servicedate <= DateAdd("m", 12, dob)

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