Fikree's Projects - PowerPoint Game, LaserQuest


Fikree''s Projects

NOTE: This is NOT the final version of LaserQuest, plus, the music is NOT
one of the game, but it was created by me.
Hello! it's me again, Mohammad Ahmed Fikree, the creator of the PPT Game,
Pointer's Way series, and Green Box. Anyway, Im currently working on my
latest PowerPoint puzzle game, LaserQuest.
About the game, you have to beam the laser to the target in order to get to
the next level.
- 7 Worlds (Lab / Frost / H2O / Ruins / Sahara / Impact / Air (hidden) / RGB
- Each world has 6 levels.
- About 20 elements.
- 7 one-minute musictracks.
- Cheat (only choosing the world)
- Downloadable Level
- Art Concepts
- Party Games (Pointer's Way: Race / Connect)
- Local Release (Dubai): December 2006
- Internet Release: January 2007
- Soundtrack Release: January 2007
- Downloadable Release: Febuary 2007
Special Thanks:
- Archer MacLean
- Hamed Al Aqili
- Shawn Toh
- John Cooney
- Niki Binder