File Audit Dbase



I am trying to create a file audit dbase. the audit asks 40 questions about
each file (yes or no). I need for the dbase to calculate the total yes/no per
file and per person responsible for the file. In the future, I would like to
get totals per District, manager, etc. I am having trouble deciding how many
tables I need to create this dbase to begin with. Each audit has a district,
manager, employee, date, quarter, file number and the 40 questions. Any help
creating this would appreciated.


Can you clarify the relationships between the following things?

- File
- Responsible Person
- District
- Manager
- Employee
- Audit

For example: "Each <File> has exactly one <Responsible Person>. But a
single <Responsible Person> can be responsible for many <File>s."

That is: how many of each thing can have, or relate to, how many of
each other thing.

If you give us all the statements of that form, relating the various
concepts together, we can easily suggest a proper table structure.

TC (MVP Access)


Infinite number of files
60 responsibles persons
8 districts & a manager for each district
Each file is unique and has a file number and date of incident

So for each file, a number and date will be entered for the file. Then the
responsible person will be assigned. Once the persons is entered the district
of the responsible person. Then when the district is entered the manager can
be determined (automatically if possible). Then the quarter/year for which
the audit is taking place. And finally the 40 yes/no questions must be
answered by the manager. I would like the yes/no answers to be totaled. And,
it would be great to create a report stating this responsible person had this
number of "yes" for question number 2 during year 20XX or the total number of
total "yes"s for the year.

Hope this was helpful. Thank you for any assistance.

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