File/Closed pages in OneNote 2003 and need to reopen



Hi...I File/Closed my OneNote tabs/pages and don't know how to
reopen them (the pages/tabs). File/Open only has Section and Folders option.
I need to reopen the Pages and NOT a Section or a Folder.

I tried reopening my pages through File/Open Section or Folder which lead me
to the 'Backup' folder but my page/tab names were not listed. I do not know
where OneNote could have automatically saved them.

Help is very much appreciated.


Rainald Taesler

KM said:
Hi...I File/Closed my OneNote tabs/pages and don't know how to
reopen them (the pages/tabs). File/Open only has Section and
Folders option. I need to reopen the Pages and NOT a Section or a

Which version of ON is this about?
Could it be that it's on ON 2003?
In the wording of ON 2007 "folder is no longer used.
There's notebooks, section groups, section, pages and subpages.

In addition: I do not see, why you want to open a *page*.
If a notebook is opened, all of the things in it's storage hierarchy are
I tried reopening my pages through File/Open Section or Folder
which lead me to the 'Backup' folder but my page/tab names were not
listed. I do not know where OneNote could have automatically saved

It seems that you might have done something wrong when navigating. If
you landed in the "Backup" folder you did hit the wrong directory.


Kathy Jacobs

Since your pages are stored in sections, you will need to open the correct
section to be able to access your pages. You might try looking at your My
Notebook file with Windows Explorer (it should be in My Documents (XP) or
Documents (Vista)). In that folder you will find your sections. Find the
right section and double click it. It will open in OneNote.

Post back if you need more explanation. Be sure to tell us which version of
OneNote and which OS so that we can help you best.

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Co-Author of Unleash the Power of OneNote
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at

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