Office XP Small Business (Word 2002)
Windows XP Home

When I open any new or existing Office document a window pops up titled:

File Conversion - ~$DFWord

It asks me to select the encoding that makes my office document readable. I
have opted for Windows Default, Other Encoding - Western European (Windows),
and hit the ESC button. No matter what I do it brings up the following box:

(Yellow triangle with exclamation point inside)
The Add-in Template is not valid

I click OK or ESC and my file loads or the template loads. When one office
document is open and I go to open another or open a template it works fine.

In TOOLS/OPTIONS/GENERAL the "Confirm Conversion at Open" is not checked.

Any ideas appreciated.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

The filename ~$ indicates the "owner" file left over from an
add-in that has probably been removed (likely an add-in that creates PDF
files). Go to the Word or Office Startup folder, find the add-in, and delete

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