File Copy Error



I have copied this file from office excel help and ran it with error message
as follows. Run time error: '53' File Not Found
My deault folder address is My Documents and SRCFILE is under this directory.
Thank you for your advices .

Sub FileCopyTest()
Dim SourceFile, DestinationFile
SourceFile = "SRCFILE" ' Define source file name.
DestinationFile = "DESTFILE" ' Define target file name.
FileCopy SourceFile, DestinationFile ' Copy source to target
End Sub

Rowan Drummond

Try adding the file extensions:

Sub Cpy()
Dim SourceFile As String
Dim DestinationFile As String
SourceFile = "SRCFILE.xls" ' Define source file name.
DestinationFile = "DESTFILE.xls" ' Define target file name.
FileCopy SourceFile, DestinationFile ' Copy source to target.
End Sub

Hope this helps

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