File Download Dialogbox



My requirement is on clicking the button in my (.aspx) webpage the infopath
form should be open.while at the time of opening before loading the form the
"File Download" Dialogbox is comming.It says "Some files can harm your
computer.If the file information bellow looks suspicious or you do not fully
trust the source.Do not open or save this file " .how can i show my form
without that to avoid that dialogbox.Anyone know about this
please help me.


Thank you Richard.I got the solution.But through coding how to avoid that
"File Download" dialogbox.I am going to publish my forms in webserver.client
will access that form from webserver.In client side i can't do any
modification.So through coding only it is possible.If you have any
suggestions for this.

Ed Richard

That would be interesting, this is a user security setting, it wouldn't be
right if you could circumvent that from code. I think you will have to
settle for instructions telling users to do this when they find they prompt


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