File Extensions


long eddy

Hello all,
Off topic - my apologies but hopefully some of the users have had experience
with .php and file extensions using frontpage and Win98.

I can't open a .php file using using Windows 98.

My steps:


Notepad opens and I type in the following:

<? phpinfo(); ?>

I save it as:


not as a text file but in all files in My Documents.

Close it.

Reopen My Documents and I find the file not as a notepad icon as info.php -
but as a *windows* icon named info.php. However, I cannot open the file it
will give me then Open or Open With...command.

Going to google, I believe a long time ago there was some software calle
PhotoParade bundled with PhotoDeluxe that had the same file extension -.php.
It has since been changed to avooid this kind of confusion.

However, I'd like to open .php files in MS notepad and I can't right click
the file or go to File->Open or File->Open with...

Any help will be greatly appreciated to reset the default file extensions.

Thank you.

Steve Easton

You need to right click the file and select "Open with"
Windows "should" respond with a list of programs to choose to open the file.
Scroll down to Notepad and click once to select it.
Check the box "Always use this program" and then click OK
The file should open in Notepad and then be permanently associated with Notepad.

long eddy

Steve Easton said:
You need to right click the file and select "Open with"
Windows "should" respond with a list of programs to choose to open the file.
Scroll down to Notepad and click once to select it.
Check the box "Always use this program" and then click OK
The file should open in Notepad and then be permanently associated with


It will not allow me to either use the following command.

or Open With...

by either right-clicking the icon or by going to FILE/OPEN, etc...

when I create a file using notepad then saving it with the .php extension.


Bob Lehmann

Use Shift | Rightclick.

Bob Lehmann

long eddy said:


It will not allow me to either use the following command.

or Open With...

by either right-clicking the icon or by going to FILE/OPEN, etc...

when I create a file using notepad then saving it with the .php extension.


Mike Mueller

Win 98 may need a different way to do this

Try opening My Computer, and then choose
View >Folder Options >File Types
Description: PHP script
Associated Extension: PHP
Content Type: text/html
default extension: php

Action: Open
Application: C:\Windows\notepad.exe

: : > You need to right click the file and select "Open with"
: > Windows "should" respond with a list of programs to
choose to open the
: file.
: > Scroll down to Notepad and click once to select it.
: > Check the box "Always use this program" and then click
: > The file should open in Notepad and then be permanently
associated with
: Notepad.
: ========
: It will not allow me to either use the following command.
: Open
: or Open With...
: by either right-clicking the icon or by going to
FILE/OPEN, etc...
: when I create a file using notepad then saving it with the
..php extension.
: ~Eddy

Thomas A. Rowe

If trying to have the .php file open in FP, then the Configure Editor option must be use to set the
..php to be open in Notepad, etc.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

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