File Increase in size



Dear Sir,
I am working with an Excel file which has several pages, dynamic tables,
macros, and build in formulas. My excel was 3 MB size las week. Suddenly,
without any aparent reason the file shows 9 MB size. In the meanwhile I only
added a small dynamic table which is no real explanation for the increase in

I assume something inside got broken.

Is there any maintenence program or procedure I could run over my file as to
fix whatever went wrong?

Thanks in advance,


Hi Gary,
Nor did it work, nor does it explain why it trippled its own size.
Any idea what may cause this? Any other idea how to repair it?

Gary L Brown

What kind of a 'dynamic table' do you have? If it's a pivot table, it is
probably saving your information a second time.


How can I do a correct diagnostic analisys as to be certain that is so? for I
see lots of chances they are.

If the are the problem.... how can it be solved?

Gary L Brown

Right-click on the pivot table and select Table Options.
In the Data options section, if the 'Save data with table layout' is
checked, you're saving your information twice (once in the original worksheet
and once 'invisibly' in the worksheet the pivot table is on).
I would suggest unchecking both the 'Save data with table layout' checkbox
and the 'Enable drilldown' checkbox.


Gary L Brown

One technique I use is, if I have a lot of vlookups, I'll make the column
with the vlookups values EXCEPT the first row so that I can easily copy down
the formula if I need it again. I do the same with complicated formulas. I
also usually highlight the 'formula' cell in LIGHT yellow (which doesn't
usually show on a black and white printout) so I remember that it is a
Hope this helps and good luck,

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