File Lookup & Hyperlink - Steer me right please?


Tim Miller

I have a form with subform. The subform may have a number of records
displayed (from a query).

When I open that main form, I'd like the subform to evaluate a specific
field (that is a hyperlink with the Is Hyperlink set to yes) for each
record as follows:
1: If it is empty, then continue
2: Search a specific network location for a specific file (where the file
name matches to another field in the record).
3: If the file in question is found, then continue
4: Set the fields hyperlink property to this specific file location and

I'm trying to use the OnCurrent event on the SUBFORMS properties.
When I run what I have so far, I'm geting this error: "Object does not
support this property or method".

My code is below. Any help at all would be very appreciated.

Dim fs As Object

Set fs = Application.FileSearch
With fs
.LookIn = "\\FSRSOU\Documents\Service\"
.FileName = [SR Number] & ".pdf"
If .Execute > 0 Then
[Forms].[Service Subform].[Document Link].Hyperlink =
"\\FSRSOU\Documents\Service\" & [SR Number] & ".pdf"
[Document Link].Hyperlink = ""
End If
End With


Hi Tim,

Working with hyperlinks is a little more complicated than
working with regular fields (as I recently found out).
I'm not an expert by any means, but I have written some
code to do something somewhat similar to what you are
trying to do. I'll paste the code at the end of this
message. It is pretty long, so I can also e-mail it in a
text file if you think it would be useful. Don't be put
off by it though, it's mostly comments and the parts that
apply to the filesearch and hyperlink assignment are
pretty short.

Before I paste the code though, I want to mention a
couple of possible problems with your code that I did

One is that when you assign an address to a hyperlink
field, it should have a # sign before and after. This is
because the hyperlink is made up of various parts, so the
# sign is used to delineate them when assigning the
value. The address is not the first part, so a # sign is
needed before (this is from memory, you may want to look
it up in help for more detail).

The other thing that I noticed is that you did not
specify the .filetype for fs. I believe that this could
cause a problem because I don't think that it
automatically defaults to all files. You may want to try
setting .filetype to msoFileTypeAllFiles (otherwise it
may be searching for a word doc ending in .pdf).

Following is the code. Sorry if there is a lot of other
stuff that you probably don't need. It's just that it is
sometimes more confusing to see only bits of code. As I
mentioned, post back if you would like for me to e-mail
the code in a text file (I'm not sure if it will
copy/paste well after the wrapping in the post).

Private Sub Doc_Hyperlink_Click()

'This procedure is designed to automatically add
hyperlinks to files that are stored in the project folder
'but not yet linked to the database.

'Project folders are stored under \Doclinks\WCIP.
Beneath that folder, there are folders that contain
'groups of 50 project folders. For example "00001 to

'Within each group folder, there are 50 individual
folders named simply according to the 5-digit project ID.
'For example "00001"

'Project numbers are always in 5-digit format for naming

'Within each project folder, individual files are
supposed to be named using the following format:
'#####_YY-MM-DD_#.*, where the first 5 numbers are
the Project ID, then the date, then a serial number
'(to allow for more than one document per day). Of
course each file keeps the extension of the associated

'Check to see if the user has clicked on a blank field.
If not, exit the sub
'This sub is designed to only run when the user clicks on
a blank field.

If IsNull(Me.Doc_Hyperlink) = False Then
Exit Sub
End If

'Dimension a variable to receive the currently selected
Project ID (if there is one), one to construct a string
'to prompt a user for confirmation, and one to store the
users response
'Other variables are dimensioned after checking to see if
code will progress.
Dim intEmployeeID As Integer, strMessage As String,
intUserResponse As Integer

'Check to see if an employee name has been chosen
'This sub is designed to run only after an employee name
has been chosen so that the name can be assigned
'to all of the new links that will be created.
If IsNull(Me.Employee_ID_Link) Then
'If an employee name has not been selected, notify
the user and exit the sub.
MsgBox "Please select your name to the right to enter
new hyperlink(s)"
Exit Sub
'If an employee name is selected, assign the ID to
the intEmployeeID variable
intEmployeeID = Me.Employee_ID_Link
End If

'Construct a message to ask the user if they want the
unlinked documents to be automatically linked

'First part of string
strMessage = "Click YES if you would like to
automatically add links to all unlinked "
'Additional text and a blank line
strMessage = strMessage & "documents in the folder for
this project." & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(10)
'Additional text
strMessage = strMessage & "Otherwise, click NO to
manually add a link."

'Display message box with the constructed string,
show "Yes" and "No" buttons, title the dialog with
'"Automatically Add Links?", and assign the users
response to the intUserResponse variable
intUserResponse = MsgBox(strMessage,
vbYesNo, "Automatically Add Links?")

'Check to see if the user responded "No", which would
mean that they don't want to automatically link the files
If intUserResponse = vbNo Then
'If the user answered "No" exit the procedure.
Exit Sub
End If

'At this point, code will progress to the end, so the
remaining variables are dimensioned
Dim strInitialFolder As String, fs, intRelPathFileLen As
Dim strProjID As String, lngProjID As Long, strLBNumber
As String, strUBNumber As String
Dim dbs As Database, qdef As QueryDef, rstDocLinks As
Dim blnFound As Boolean, intCountAdds As Integer

'In order to get to this point, the user had to select an
Employee Name, and then click in a blank hyperlink
'field. This means that there is currently a record in
the form that is in edit mode.

'But, now that the selected Employee ID has been
captured, and it has been determined that all
'unlinked documents will be linked in the remaining part
of this procedure, it is necessary to cancel out
'the partial entry of the new record in the form

'Undo the pending entry in the form.

'Capture the Project ID as a long integer and assign it
to the lngProjID variable.
'It is necessary to get this off of the parent form (f
Master) because there may not be any entries in the
lngProjID = Me.Parent.ID
'Construct the 5-digit ID for the project and assign it
to a string variable titled strProjID.
'This is done by adding four leading zero's to the ID,
then trimming the right 5 characters.
strProjID = Right("0000" & Me.Parent.ID, 5)

'Next, in order to construct the name of the parent
folder to the project folder, it is necessary to construct
'the lower and upper bound numbers of the parent.

'For the Lower Bound number, divide the project ID by 50,
round off to an integer, then multiply by 50
'and finally add 1 to the result. Then append the result
to four 0's, and trim the right 5 characters.
'For example, if Proj ID = 238, divide by 50 and round
off = 4, multiply by 50 = 200, add 1 = 201,
'append to four 0's = 0000201, take right five characters
= 00201
strLBNumber = Right("0000" & (Int((Me.Parent.ID - 1) /
50) * 50) + 1, 5)
'For the Upper Bound number, divide the project ID by 50,
round off to an integer, add 1, then multiply by 50.
'Then append the result to four 0's, and trim the right 5
'For example, if Proj ID = 238, divide by 50 and round
off = 4, add 1 = 5, multiply by 50 = 250,
'append to four 0's = 0000250, take right five characters
= 00250
strUBNumber = Right("0000" & (Int((Me.Parent.ID - 1) /
50) + 1) * 50, 5)

'Now, begin to construct the full file path by starting
with the portion of the path that is constant and
'assigning it to the strInitialFolder string variable.
strInitialFolder = "\\82cvcfs1

'Append the Lower Bound number, a space, the word "to",
another space, the Upper Bound number,
'a slash, and the 5 digit project ID string.
'For the earlier sample (project 238), this would equate
'\\82cvcfs1\fmd\CIP\Database\Doclinks\WCIP\00201 to 00250
strInitialFolder = strInitialFolder & strLBNumber & "
to " & strUBNumber & "\" & strProjID & "\"

'Initialize to 0 the variable that will be used to count
how many doclinks get added by this procedure
intCountAdds = 0

'Assign the variable fs to represent
Set fs = Application.FileSearch

'With Application.Filesearch do the following
With fs
'Set the folder to the variable strInitialFolder,
which was constructed earlier to represent the project
.lookin = strInitialFolder
'Set the filetype to find all file types
.FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles
'.FileTypes.Add msoFileTypeAllFiles
'Set the file name criteria to find all file names
.FileName = "*.*"
'If any files are found
If .Execute() > 0 Then
'Assign the variable dbs to represent the current
Set dbs = CurrentDb
'Assign the variable qdef to represent the
query "q DocHyperlinks" within the current database.
Set qdef = dbs.QueryDefs("q DocHyperlinks")
'Set the [EnterProjID] parameter equal to the
current project ID. This will limit the recordset
'to only the records matching this project.
qdef.Parameters("EnterProjID") = lngProjID

'Open a recordset using the qdef query definition
as a dynaset type
Set rstDocLinks = qdef.OpenRecordset

'Do the following loop for each file found in the
project folder
For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
'Extract just the relative portion of the
path and the filename by subtracting the constant
which is 42 characters

'First, find the total lenght of the path and
file name and subtract 42 to find
'the size to be extracted and assign the
result to the intRelPathFileLen variable
intRelPathFileLen = Len(.FoundFiles(i)) - 42

'Now, extract that number of characters from
the right side of the full path to get the relative
'path and filename. Assign the result to the
strRelPathFile variable.
strRelPathFile = Right(.FoundFiles(i),

'With the rstDocLinks recordset (created
earlier from the query definition)
With rstDocLinks
'Move to the first record
'Initialize blnFound as false - this will
be set to true if the current file is found in the
'recordset, meaning that it already exists
blnFound = False
'loop through all of the records in the
recordset looking for the current file .foundfiles(i)
Do Until .EOF
'Check to see if the relative path
and filename matches the hyperlink address of the
'current record
If strRelPathFile = ![HypPart2] Then
'If so, set blnFound = true and
exit the do loop.
blnFound = True
Exit Do
End If
'Go to the next record in the
'If no more records exist in the
recordset, execution will exit the loop

'Check to see if the current file
(.foundfiles(i)) was found in the recordset
If blnFound = True Then
'If so, nothing needs to be done, and
execution will go on to the next (i)
'The following statement was just
used during debugging to display the filename
'and whether it was found.
'MsgBox strRelPathFile & " was found
in tDocRef"
'If the filename wasn't found in the
recordset, it needs to be added (it is an unlinked file)
'Add a new record to the recordset,
note that since the recordset is a dynaset based on a
'query from the tDocRef table, all
updates will pass through to that table.
'Assign the [ProjIDLink]field of the
recordset = the lngProjID variable
![ProjIDLink] = lngProjID
'Assign the [DocHyp] field of the
recordset = the relative path and filename surrounded
'by pound signs (these are needed to
specify that this is the address part of the
![DocHyp] = "#" & strRelPathFile & "#"
'Assign the employee ID
![EmpIDLink] = intEmployeeID
'Assign the current date and time to
the [Entered] field
![Entered] = Now()
'Post the entry (save it)
'increment the variable that counts
how many files have been automatically linked
intCountAdds = intCountAdds + 1
'The following statement was just
used during debugging.
'MsgBox strRelPathFile & " was not
found in tDocRef"
End If
End With
Next i
'Close the recordset after all files have been
compared against the recordset
'If the filesearch does not find any files,
notify the user and exit the procedure
MsgBox "No files were found in the project folder"
'Requery to be sure that form displays the
records properly since their partial edit was undone.
Exit Sub
End If
End With

'Requery the subform to display all newly entered
document links.

'Check to see how many new links were added.
If intCountAdds > 0 Then
'If one link was added, construct the appropriate
message to notify the user and remind them to add the
'file description and check the file name format.
If intCountAdds = 1 Then
strMessage = "1 Document Link was added for this
project." & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(10)
strMessage = strMessage & "Please add a
description for it and check that it was created with
proper "
strMessage = strMessage & "naming conventions." &
Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(10)
strMessage = strMessage & "If necessary, you can
delete a link by selecting the row containing the "
strMessage = strMessage & "link and pressing the
delete button."
MsgBox strMessage
'If more than one link was added, construct the
appropriate message to notify the user and remind them
'to add the file descriptions and check the file
name formats.
strMessage = intCountAdds & " Document Links were
added for this project." & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(10)
strMessage = strMessage & "Please add a
description for each one and check that each was created
with "
strMessage = strMessage & "proper naming
conventions." & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(10)
strMessage = strMessage & "If necessary, you can
delete a link by selecting the row containing the "
strMessage = strMessage & "link and pressing the
delete button."
MsgBox strMessage
End If
End If

End Sub

Tim Miller

I really appreciate this response. I don't have time to get back into it
right now, but I'm sure I can make this work with what you have provided.
If you could e-mail me that, it'd be nice. I'll let you know how it goes.

Ted said:
Hi Tim,

Working with hyperlinks is a little more complicated than
working with regular fields (as I recently found out).
I'm not an expert by any means, but I have written some
code to do something somewhat similar to what you are
trying to do. I'll paste the code at the end of this
message. It is pretty long, so I can also e-mail it in a
text file if you think it would be useful. Don't be put
off by it though, it's mostly comments and the parts that
apply to the filesearch and hyperlink assignment are
pretty short.

Before I paste the code though, I want to mention a
couple of possible problems with your code that I did

One is that when you assign an address to a hyperlink
field, it should have a # sign before and after. This is
because the hyperlink is made up of various parts, so the
# sign is used to delineate them when assigning the
value. The address is not the first part, so a # sign is
needed before (this is from memory, you may want to look
it up in help for more detail).

The other thing that I noticed is that you did not
specify the .filetype for fs. I believe that this could
cause a problem because I don't think that it
automatically defaults to all files. You may want to try
setting .filetype to msoFileTypeAllFiles (otherwise it
may be searching for a word doc ending in .pdf).

Following is the code. Sorry if there is a lot of other
stuff that you probably don't need. It's just that it is
sometimes more confusing to see only bits of code. As I
mentioned, post back if you would like for me to e-mail
the code in a text file (I'm not sure if it will
copy/paste well after the wrapping in the post).

Private Sub Doc_Hyperlink_Click()

'This procedure is designed to automatically add
hyperlinks to files that are stored in the project folder
'but not yet linked to the database.

'Project folders are stored under \Doclinks\WCIP.
Beneath that folder, there are folders that contain
'groups of 50 project folders. For example "00001 to

'Within each group folder, there are 50 individual
folders named simply according to the 5-digit project ID.
'For example "00001"

'Project numbers are always in 5-digit format for naming

'Within each project folder, individual files are
supposed to be named using the following format:
'#####_YY-MM-DD_#.*, where the first 5 numbers are
the Project ID, then the date, then a serial number
'(to allow for more than one document per day). Of
course each file keeps the extension of the associated

'Check to see if the user has clicked on a blank field.
If not, exit the sub
'This sub is designed to only run when the user clicks on
a blank field.

If IsNull(Me.Doc_Hyperlink) = False Then
Exit Sub
End If

'Dimension a variable to receive the currently selected
Project ID (if there is one), one to construct a string
'to prompt a user for confirmation, and one to store the
users response
'Other variables are dimensioned after checking to see if
code will progress.
Dim intEmployeeID As Integer, strMessage As String,
intUserResponse As Integer

'Check to see if an employee name has been chosen
'This sub is designed to run only after an employee name
has been chosen so that the name can be assigned
'to all of the new links that will be created.
If IsNull(Me.Employee_ID_Link) Then
'If an employee name has not been selected, notify
the user and exit the sub.
MsgBox "Please select your name to the right to enter
new hyperlink(s)"
Exit Sub
'If an employee name is selected, assign the ID to
the intEmployeeID variable
intEmployeeID = Me.Employee_ID_Link
End If

'Construct a message to ask the user if they want the
unlinked documents to be automatically linked

'First part of string
strMessage = "Click YES if you would like to
automatically add links to all unlinked "
'Additional text and a blank line
strMessage = strMessage & "documents in the folder for
this project." & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(10)
'Additional text
strMessage = strMessage & "Otherwise, click NO to
manually add a link."

'Display message box with the constructed string,
show "Yes" and "No" buttons, title the dialog with
'"Automatically Add Links?", and assign the users
response to the intUserResponse variable
intUserResponse = MsgBox(strMessage,
vbYesNo, "Automatically Add Links?")

'Check to see if the user responded "No", which would
mean that they don't want to automatically link the files
If intUserResponse = vbNo Then
'If the user answered "No" exit the procedure.
Exit Sub
End If

'At this point, code will progress to the end, so the
remaining variables are dimensioned
Dim strInitialFolder As String, fs, intRelPathFileLen As
Dim strProjID As String, lngProjID As Long, strLBNumber
As String, strUBNumber As String
Dim dbs As Database, qdef As QueryDef, rstDocLinks As
Dim blnFound As Boolean, intCountAdds As Integer

'In order to get to this point, the user had to select an
Employee Name, and then click in a blank hyperlink
'field. This means that there is currently a record in
the form that is in edit mode.

'But, now that the selected Employee ID has been
captured, and it has been determined that all
'unlinked documents will be linked in the remaining part
of this procedure, it is necessary to cancel out
'the partial entry of the new record in the form

'Undo the pending entry in the form.

'Capture the Project ID as a long integer and assign it
to the lngProjID variable.
'It is necessary to get this off of the parent form (f
Master) because there may not be any entries in the
lngProjID = Me.Parent.ID
'Construct the 5-digit ID for the project and assign it
to a string variable titled strProjID.
'This is done by adding four leading zero's to the ID,
then trimming the right 5 characters.
strProjID = Right("0000" & Me.Parent.ID, 5)

'Next, in order to construct the name of the parent
folder to the project folder, it is necessary to construct
'the lower and upper bound numbers of the parent.

'For the Lower Bound number, divide the project ID by 50,
round off to an integer, then multiply by 50
'and finally add 1 to the result. Then append the result
to four 0's, and trim the right 5 characters.
'For example, if Proj ID = 238, divide by 50 and round
off = 4, multiply by 50 = 200, add 1 = 201,
'append to four 0's = 0000201, take right five characters
= 00201
strLBNumber = Right("0000" & (Int((Me.Parent.ID - 1) /
50) * 50) + 1, 5)
'For the Upper Bound number, divide the project ID by 50,
round off to an integer, add 1, then multiply by 50.
'Then append the result to four 0's, and trim the right 5
'For example, if Proj ID = 238, divide by 50 and round
off = 4, add 1 = 5, multiply by 50 = 250,
'append to four 0's = 0000250, take right five characters
= 00250
strUBNumber = Right("0000" & (Int((Me.Parent.ID - 1) /
50) + 1) * 50, 5)

'Now, begin to construct the full file path by starting
with the portion of the path that is constant and
'assigning it to the strInitialFolder string variable.
strInitialFolder = "\\82cvcfs1

'Append the Lower Bound number, a space, the word "to",
another space, the Upper Bound number,
'a slash, and the 5 digit project ID string.
'For the earlier sample (project 238), this would equate
'\\82cvcfs1\fmd\CIP\Database\Doclinks\WCIP\00201 to 00250
strInitialFolder = strInitialFolder & strLBNumber & "
to " & strUBNumber & "\" & strProjID & "\"

'Initialize to 0 the variable that will be used to count
how many doclinks get added by this procedure
intCountAdds = 0

'Assign the variable fs to represent
Set fs = Application.FileSearch

'With Application.Filesearch do the following
With fs
'Set the folder to the variable strInitialFolder,
which was constructed earlier to represent the project
.lookin = strInitialFolder
'Set the filetype to find all file types
.FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles
'.FileTypes.Add msoFileTypeAllFiles
'Set the file name criteria to find all file names
.FileName = "*.*"
'If any files are found
If .Execute() > 0 Then
'Assign the variable dbs to represent the current
Set dbs = CurrentDb
'Assign the variable qdef to represent the
query "q DocHyperlinks" within the current database.
Set qdef = dbs.QueryDefs("q DocHyperlinks")
'Set the [EnterProjID] parameter equal to the
current project ID. This will limit the recordset
'to only the records matching this project.
qdef.Parameters("EnterProjID") = lngProjID

'Open a recordset using the qdef query definition
as a dynaset type
Set rstDocLinks = qdef.OpenRecordset

'Do the following loop for each file found in the
project folder
For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
'Extract just the relative portion of the
path and the filename by subtracting the constant
which is 42 characters

'First, find the total lenght of the path and
file name and subtract 42 to find
'the size to be extracted and assign the
result to the intRelPathFileLen variable
intRelPathFileLen = Len(.FoundFiles(i)) - 42

'Now, extract that number of characters from
the right side of the full path to get the relative
'path and filename. Assign the result to the
strRelPathFile variable.
strRelPathFile = Right(.FoundFiles(i),

'With the rstDocLinks recordset (created
earlier from the query definition)
With rstDocLinks
'Move to the first record
'Initialize blnFound as false - this will
be set to true if the current file is found in the
'recordset, meaning that it already exists
blnFound = False
'loop through all of the records in the
recordset looking for the current file .foundfiles(i)
Do Until .EOF
'Check to see if the relative path
and filename matches the hyperlink address of the
'current record
If strRelPathFile = ![HypPart2] Then
'If so, set blnFound = true and
exit the do loop.
blnFound = True
Exit Do
End If
'Go to the next record in the
'If no more records exist in the
recordset, execution will exit the loop

'Check to see if the current file
(.foundfiles(i)) was found in the recordset
If blnFound = True Then
'If so, nothing needs to be done, and
execution will go on to the next (i)
'The following statement was just
used during debugging to display the filename
'and whether it was found.
'MsgBox strRelPathFile & " was found
in tDocRef"
'If the filename wasn't found in the
recordset, it needs to be added (it is an unlinked file)
'Add a new record to the recordset,
note that since the recordset is a dynaset based on a
'query from the tDocRef table, all
updates will pass through to that table.
'Assign the [ProjIDLink]field of the
recordset = the lngProjID variable
![ProjIDLink] = lngProjID
'Assign the [DocHyp] field of the
recordset = the relative path and filename surrounded
'by pound signs (these are needed to
specify that this is the address part of the
![DocHyp] = "#" & strRelPathFile & "#"
'Assign the employee ID
![EmpIDLink] = intEmployeeID
'Assign the current date and time to
the [Entered] field
![Entered] = Now()
'Post the entry (save it)
'increment the variable that counts
how many files have been automatically linked
intCountAdds = intCountAdds + 1
'The following statement was just
used during debugging.
'MsgBox strRelPathFile & " was not
found in tDocRef"
End If
End With
Next i
'Close the recordset after all files have been
compared against the recordset
'If the filesearch does not find any files,
notify the user and exit the procedure
MsgBox "No files were found in the project folder"
'Requery to be sure that form displays the
records properly since their partial edit was undone.
Exit Sub
End If
End With

'Requery the subform to display all newly entered
document links.

'Check to see how many new links were added.
If intCountAdds > 0 Then
'If one link was added, construct the appropriate
message to notify the user and remind them to add the
'file description and check the file name format.
If intCountAdds = 1 Then
strMessage = "1 Document Link was added for this
project." & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(10)
strMessage = strMessage & "Please add a
description for it and check that it was created with
proper "
strMessage = strMessage & "naming conventions." &
Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(10)
strMessage = strMessage & "If necessary, you can
delete a link by selecting the row containing the "
strMessage = strMessage & "link and pressing the
delete button."
MsgBox strMessage
'If more than one link was added, construct the
appropriate message to notify the user and remind them
'to add the file descriptions and check the file
name formats.
strMessage = intCountAdds & " Document Links were
added for this project." & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(10)
strMessage = strMessage & "Please add a
description for each one and check that each was created
with "
strMessage = strMessage & "proper naming
conventions." & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(10)
strMessage = strMessage & "If necessary, you can
delete a link by selecting the row containing the "
strMessage = strMessage & "link and pressing the
delete button."
MsgBox strMessage
End If
End If

End Sub

Tim Miller

I really appreciate this post. Most helpful!
As it is turning out, the reason my code wasn't working was because I was
trying to set the value of the Hyperlink Property of my field, instead of
just setting the value of the field itself, which was a hyperlink field as
defined by the form field properties. Also your # symbol suggestion was
helpful. Thanks!

My new problem is much more basic. I can make this work by putting a
command button on the form and basically making the user hit a button to
trigger the file search code for EACH field. But I want to make it search a
table or query, and "run the file search code" for each record in the record
set. But I'm not sure how to refer to this set of records in my code. I'm
trying as below.
I'm trying to refer to a Query is my For Next statement. The query would be
the same set of records as my DCount looks at. But I don't know how to code
it to have this For Next look at a set of records in a Query and cycle
through them.

Private Sub cmdService_Click()

Dim intRecords As Integer
Dim fs As Object
Dim strSRNumber As String
Dim strFile As String
Dim strPath As String

intRecords = DCount("[Quote #]", "Service", "[Quote #] = [Forms]![Quotation
Entry]![Quote #]")
If intRecords > 0 Then
For I = 1 To intRecords
strSRNumber = [Q Service Log]![SR Number]
strFile = strSRNumber & ".pdf"
strPath = "\\FSRSOU\Documents\Service\"

Set fs = Application.FileSearch
With fs
.LookIn = strPath
.FileName = strSRNumber & ".pdf"
If .Execute > 0 Then
[Q Service Log]![Document Link] = "#" & strPath &
strFile & "#"
[Document Link] = ""
End If
End With
End If

DoCmd.OpenForm "Service Form", , , , acAdd
Forms![Service Form]![Quote #] = Forms![Quotation Entry]![Quote #]
Forms![Service Form]![SR Number].SetFocus

End Sub

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