File Menu not opening in word 2003



I have a user that is using office 2003 SBE and in her word program. If she
clicks on the file menu, it will no open the drop box but if she click any
other menu option it will giver her the drop down box with all the option in
that menu...

Anybody know what I can do? I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app and
no change.. Installed all updates and it made no change...


Ok, After trying the notes in the weblink you gave me. The Winword.exe /a in
the runn box would allow me to open all the menu options but if I open word
normally It still doesn't let me open the drop box for "menu" and/or "tools".

I also tried the exporting of the data key in the registry also and that had
no effect on it also.

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