file movement



I know it's been mentioned elsewhere, and I don't like to break down, rather
preferring to build up, so here's the comment.

HUGE improvement could come from the ability to treat files like
subcomponents of pages which move along with those pages. Right now, I am
locked into whatever structure I set out once I put any file onto a page. As
soon as I move that page, my files stick to their original place, and my
notes go from comprehensive, and comingled with the traditional windows file
structures, to being pages with words that describe files.

I think the mindset of of ON is supposed to be that of a notebook which you
carry around. Well when you take scraps of paper and stick them in one
section of your notebook, but then later decide to move that section,
everything you put together on that topic moves with the section or folder.
Here, ON locks you into whatever your notebook looked like when you put the
first scrap in.

I hope it's as easy as writing something that basically associates all files
and objects with a page, and then once the page is moved, something simple
just grabs everything and moves it along with the page - wether that be to a
new section, page, folder, etc.

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One more note. Just in case it's possible, I think you should include some
sort of porting option next go-around, which will basically take what the
community that is trying this now has set up as structures already, and allow
us to move it into the My Notebook folder. In other words, for now I think I
have to only use links, and at that try to not change the folder structure I
use for my documents (since then the links will get lost). But if I were to
upgrade, and the advice of moving files with pages is taken, a great
migrating step would be to allow me to include all previous links as files in
the new notebook structure that a future release would help populate. So I
choose to let the program setup the new version, and choose the option that
says something like "would you like ON to convert you previous links to a
linked file structure within the ON notebook location?"

The only thing stopping me right now from starting to use ON's notebook
directory as my My Documents folder (and start including files more into my
pages) is the knowledge that I will have to go and move things around, and
relink if I were to change structures.


I am having a little trouble understanding what you are describing. Are you
saying that you insert links to files, like a hyperlink that is pointed at a
Word file on your machine or on a share somewhere? And when you move the
pages that contain these links, the links don't work anymore? This should
work, so I feel like I must be misunderstanding you.

And for migration, do you want us to copy your folder structure from My
Doc's into OneNote's UI, and include access to the non-OneNote files that you
have in My Doc's?


I look at the relationship between ON and windows folders, sections, pages,
docs, applications as the following:

ON is the uber-structure that houses notes on pages, and folders for
organizing those pages (using sections) and documents that relate to those
pages. As such, when I move a page and/or file within ON (to another section
or folder), I expect the file to go with it. Currently, it does not. That's
the sum of a much long email I originally started writing to help explain.
Does that make sense? If it's something that has been considered, then I am
happy to share my thoughts on a way to think of how it should function, if
that feedback is of any value (I don't want to write for the sake of
writing). :)


Yes, now I understand. Your point is a good one and one we wish we had more
time to get right in 2003. Stay tuned... :)


the one way I've managed to figure out I can jerry-rig for now is to have
most things in folders, and then move the folders around. The files move
with the folders. Again, this works only as long as I don't need to shift
pages or sections to other folders.

Glad to hear it's in the thoughts.

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