File name of JPG held in OLE object ?


Barry in Melbourne

Hi all

I've partially solved my database bloat problem thanks to helpful
instructions on Microsoft sites and contributors to this discussion group
which suggest storing the file name in a text field rather than embedding the
image. I'm now faced with the task of converting databases with a total of
600 records and three OLE fields.

When I originally embedded the JPG file, is the file name somehow held in
the associated OLE field (or elsewhere)? Ideally I'm looking for the
commands which would enable me to extract this and write it to a text field
on the same record. The only alternative - locating the correct images and
manually pasting their details into a database field - doesn't look good!

I'm currently running Access 2003. Many thanks for your suggestions

Barry in Melbourne

Hi Stephen

This is the first time I've contacted this discussion group so I wasn't
surprised that someone took a look at my problem. What I didn't expect was
the elegance of the solution -I'd have been happy with a piece of code
commented "Make your change here". You've save me countless hours, many

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