File Name




I have a simple bit of code to get the file name of the database:

*************Start Code*****************
Public Function CheckDatabaseName()
Dim CurrentFileName As String
CurrentFileName = Application.CurrentDb.Name
End Function
**************End Code******************

This file is on a network and the letter of the drive is always returned
with this code. I need the server name to be retuned not the drive letter
i.e. my J: drive is one of my shared drives but I would like the server name
which is Dstrt on xxxxxx (as you would see in Explorer).

Can anyone help? I have been looking for days now and have given up!



Douglas J. Steele

What you get returned by that call depends on how you open the application.
If you're clicking on a shortcut that uses a mapped drive, you'll always get
the mapped drive.

Take a look at at "The Access
Web" to determine the UNC associated with a mapped drive.

Joe Williams

Doug and Martin,

I saw this code and applied it into my app. one follow up question: What
would be the code to extrract just the server name from the string that is

Example, the function on the Access Web returns \\SERVER\SHARENAME. how can
I extract just SERVER and not the \\ or sharename?



Douglas J. Steele

Function GetServerOnly(UNC As String) As String
' Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP
' Assuming UNC is \\server\sharename,
' this function returns server.
' Otherwise, it returns an empty string ("")
Dim intPos As Integer
Dim strServer As String

strServer = ""

If Left$(UNC, 2) = "\\" Then
intPos = InStr(3, UNC, "\", vbBinaryCompare)
If intPos > 0 Then
strServer = Mid$(UNC, 3, intPos - 3)
End If
End If

GetServerOnly = strServer

End Function

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