file on bcentral taking up 142 MB file is linkinfo.btr can I delet



FrontPage is the website program which I use for my bCentral.Commerce Manager
online shopping.
I am receiving e-mails from them which states that the Web Hosting Web site, is currently 2% over its alloted disk quota as of such an such
date. I receive this e-mail on a daily bases.
I spoke with the tech at bcentral and he said that I would have to contact a
FrontPage tech in order to find out if I can safely delete file linkinfo.btr
or not. They did not know what this file was for. This file is taking up 70%
(142MB) of my bcentral online shopping.
The bcentral tech said that they did not know what file linkinfo.btr was and
if it would be safe to delete this file or not.
Can I delete this file without all the information being lost? What is the
file linkinfo.btr for anyway?
Please help me because I do not know what to do.
Thank you,

Tom Willett

I found this on a forum on the internet:

"It helps FrontPage track links. (Between files as well as outside ones.)
It's probably what you are really seeing when you look at the Reports View
or Hyperlinks View. 27 megs sounds like corruption to me, though if you
have A LOT of links it could be right. Try moving it then running a
recalculate hyperlink to see if it comes back, and what size it is when it
Tom Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:

| FrontPage is the website program which I use for my bCentral.Commerce
| online shopping.
| I am receiving e-mails from them which states that the Web Hosting Web
| is currently 2% over its alloted disk quota as of such an
| date. I receive this e-mail on a daily bases.
| I spoke with the tech at bcentral and he said that I would have to contact
| FrontPage tech in order to find out if I can safely delete file
| or not. They did not know what this file was for. This file is taking up
| (142MB) of my bcentral online shopping.
| The bcentral tech said that they did not know what file linkinfo.btr was
| if it would be safe to delete this file or not.
| Can I delete this file without all the information being lost? What is the
| file linkinfo.btr for anyway?
| Please help me because I do not know what to do.
| Thank you,
| Marilyn


Can you help me get bCentral running? I want to add products to my website,
and I signed up for the network acct. But when I go into tools/ecommerce and
go to sign in, it says my sign in failed. I am not sure if I have a bCentral
acct or not. Any help since you seem to have it working ok???


This is an ongoing problem with bcentral. The last time they helped me they
had me create a new page on my website and name the page www.htm then enter
the following link:
Make sure that you select Preview at the bottom of your page so that you can
click on the link. This is a back door into your page.
If this does not help call this phone number 1 (866) 361-7940, this should
get you to tech support. They will want the phone number which you registered
when opening the account.
I hope this helped.


On my be central admin page there is a place where I can delete linkinfo.btr
which is 142 MB which is taking up 70% of my bcentral webhosting site. What
will happen if I do delete this? The bcentral tech could not tell me and
referred me to a FrontPage tech.
The file is in /web_vti_pvt/. I am afraid that if I delete it I will lose
Also, I am not sure how to do what you were trying to tell me to do.
Thank you,


There's something wrong there. My site has over 600 pages and that file in
my main _vti_pvt folder is 315KB in size.


I got brave since Tom said that linkinfo.btr helps FrontPage track links and
deleted linkinfo.btr from my bcentral account. I now have 22.99 MB at 36% in
my /web/Catalog. You are right. Somthing was wrong, I don't know what it was,
but so far no problems on the catalog.
All I can say is thank you Tom for your help.


I do not want to assume anything so the remote site would be the one on my
computer? I know where to go to recalculate.
Thank you for the help.
You guys are great!!!!!!

Tom Willett

The host site is considered the remote site, and your local pc is considered
the local site.
Recalculate them both.
Tom Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
| Steve,
| I do not want to assume anything so the remote site would be the one on my
| computer? I know where to go to recalculate.
| Thank you for the help.
| Marilyn
| You guys are great!!!!!!
| "Steve Easton" wrote:
| > Make sure you recalculate the hyperlinks on the remote site before you
make any changes to
| > the site.
| >
| > --
| > Steve Easton
| > Microsoft FrontPage MVP
| > FP Cleaner
| >
| > Hit Me FP
| >
| >
| >
| > | > > Ripper,
| > > I got brave since Tom said that linkinfo.btr helps FrontPage track
links and
| > > deleted linkinfo.btr from my bcentral account. I now have 22.99 MB at
36% in
| > > my /web/Catalog. You are right. Somthing was wrong, I don't know what
it was,
| > > but so far no problems on the catalog.
| > > All I can say is thank you Tom for your help.
| > > Marilyn
| > >
| > > "Ripper" wrote:
| > >
| > >> There's something wrong there. My site has over 600 pages and that
file in
| > >> my main _vti_pvt folder is 315KB in size.
| > >> | > >> > FrontPage is the website program which I use for my
| > >> Manager
| > >> > online shopping.
| > >> > I am receiving e-mails from them which states that the Web Hosting
| > >> site,
| > >> > is currently 2% over its alloted disk quota as of
such an
| > >> such
| > >> > date. I receive this e-mail on a daily bases.
| > >> > I spoke with the tech at bcentral and he said that I would have to
| > >> a
| > >> > FrontPage tech in order to find out if I can safely delete file
| > >> linkinfo.btr
| > >> > or not. They did not know what this file was for. This file is
taking up
| > >> 70%
| > >> > (142MB) of my bcentral online shopping.
| > >> > The bcentral tech said that they did not know what file
linkinfo.btr was
| > >> and
| > >> > if it would be safe to delete this file or not.
| > >> > Can I delete this file without all the information being lost? What
is the
| > >> > file linkinfo.btr for anyway?
| > >> > Please help me because I do not know what to do.
| > >> > Thank you,
| > >> > Marilyn
| > >> >
| > >> >
| > >>
| > >>
| > >>
| >
| >
| >


Thank you for the info about what the remote site (host site) is. I know how
to recalculate the local site on my FrontPage on my local site. The only
thing I found in bcentral's admin control (remote site) was on the FrontPage
tab the refresh extensions. Would this be the same as to recalculate?
After recalculating the local site FP, I refreshed the remote site then I
ran e-commerce wizard and then the publish website.
Thank you,

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

You do it the same way on the remote as you do locally.
Open FP
Open Website
only now you type in to open your site live.
Then do the recalculate hyperlinks.
Close Site when done.

| Tom,
| Thank you for the info about what the remote site (host site) is. I know
| to recalculate the local site on my FrontPage on my local site. The only
| thing I found in bcentral's admin control (remote site) was on the
| tab the refresh extensions. Would this be the same as to recalculate?
| After recalculating the local site FP, I refreshed the remote site then I
| ran e-commerce wizard and then the publish website.
| Thank you,
| Marilyn
| "Tom Willett" wrote:
| > The host site is considered the remote site, and your local pc is
| > the local site.
| > Recalculate them both.
| > --
| > ===
| > Tom Willett
| > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| > ---
| > FrontPage Support:
| >
| > ===
| > | > | Steve,
| > | I do not want to assume anything so the remote site would be the one
on my
| > | computer? I know where to go to recalculate.
| > | Thank you for the help.
| > | Marilyn
| > | You guys are great!!!!!!
| > |
| > | "Steve Easton" wrote:
| > |
| > | > Make sure you recalculate the hyperlinks on the remote site before
| > make any changes to
| > | > the site.
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > Steve Easton
| > | > Microsoft FrontPage MVP
| > | > FP Cleaner
| > | >
| > | > Hit Me FP
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > | > | > > Ripper,
| > | > > I got brave since Tom said that linkinfo.btr helps FrontPage track
| > links and
| > | > > deleted linkinfo.btr from my bcentral account. I now have 22.99 MB
| > 36% in
| > | > > my /web/Catalog. You are right. Somthing was wrong, I don't know
| > it was,
| > | > > but so far no problems on the catalog.
| > | > > All I can say is thank you Tom for your help.
| > | > > Marilyn
| > | > >
| > | > > "Ripper" wrote:
| > | > >
| > | > >> There's something wrong there. My site has over 600 pages and
| > file in
| > | > >> my main _vti_pvt folder is 315KB in size.
| > | > >> | > | > >> > FrontPage is the website program which I use for my
| > bCentral.Commerce
| > | > >> Manager
| > | > >> > online shopping.
| > | > >> > I am receiving e-mails from them which states that the Web
| > Web
| > | > >> site,
| > | > >> > is currently 2% over its alloted disk quota as
| > such an
| > | > >> such
| > | > >> > date. I receive this e-mail on a daily bases.
| > | > >> > I spoke with the tech at bcentral and he said that I would have
| > contact
| > | > >> a
| > | > >> > FrontPage tech in order to find out if I can safely delete file
| > | > >> linkinfo.btr
| > | > >> > or not. They did not know what this file was for. This file is
| > taking up
| > | > >> 70%
| > | > >> > (142MB) of my bcentral online shopping.
| > | > >> > The bcentral tech said that they did not know what file
| > linkinfo.btr was
| > | > >> and
| > | > >> > if it would be safe to delete this file or not.
| > | > >> > Can I delete this file without all the information being lost?
| > is the
| > | > >> > file linkinfo.btr for anyway?
| > | > >> > Please help me because I do not know what to do.
| > | > >> > Thank you,
| > | > >> > Marilyn
| > | > >> >
| > | > >> >
| > | > >>
| > | > >>
| > | > >>
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| >
| >


Will do and thank you.

Rob Giordano (Crash) said:
You do it the same way on the remote as you do locally.
Open FP
Open Website
only now you type in to open your site live.
Then do the recalculate hyperlinks.
Close Site when done.

| Tom,
| Thank you for the info about what the remote site (host site) is. I know
| to recalculate the local site on my FrontPage on my local site. The only
| thing I found in bcentral's admin control (remote site) was on the
| tab the refresh extensions. Would this be the same as to recalculate?
| After recalculating the local site FP, I refreshed the remote site then I
| ran e-commerce wizard and then the publish website.
| Thank you,
| Marilyn
| "Tom Willett" wrote:
| > The host site is considered the remote site, and your local pc is
| > the local site.
| > Recalculate them both.
| > --
| > ===
| > Tom Willett
| > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| > ---
| > FrontPage Support:
| >
| > ===
| > | > | Steve,
| > | I do not want to assume anything so the remote site would be the one
on my
| > | computer? I know where to go to recalculate.
| > | Thank you for the help.
| > | Marilyn
| > | You guys are great!!!!!!
| > |
| > | "Steve Easton" wrote:
| > |
| > | > Make sure you recalculate the hyperlinks on the remote site before
| > make any changes to
| > | > the site.
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > Steve Easton
| > | > Microsoft FrontPage MVP
| > | > FP Cleaner
| > | >
| > | > Hit Me FP
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > | > | > > Ripper,
| > | > > I got brave since Tom said that linkinfo.btr helps FrontPage track
| > links and
| > | > > deleted linkinfo.btr from my bcentral account. I now have 22.99 MB
| > 36% in
| > | > > my /web/Catalog. You are right. Somthing was wrong, I don't know
| > it was,
| > | > > but so far no problems on the catalog.
| > | > > All I can say is thank you Tom for your help.
| > | > > Marilyn
| > | > >
| > | > > "Ripper" wrote:
| > | > >
| > | > >> There's something wrong there. My site has over 600 pages and
| > file in
| > | > >> my main _vti_pvt folder is 315KB in size.
| > | > >> | > | > >> > FrontPage is the website program which I use for my
| > bCentral.Commerce
| > | > >> Manager
| > | > >> > online shopping.
| > | > >> > I am receiving e-mails from them which states that the Web
| > Web
| > | > >> site,
| > | > >> > is currently 2% over its alloted disk quota as
| > such an
| > | > >> such
| > | > >> > date. I receive this e-mail on a daily bases.
| > | > >> > I spoke with the tech at bcentral and he said that I would have
| > contact
| > | > >> a
| > | > >> > FrontPage tech in order to find out if I can safely delete file
| > | > >> linkinfo.btr
| > | > >> > or not. They did not know what this file was for. This file is
| > taking up
| > | > >> 70%
| > | > >> > (142MB) of my bcentral online shopping.
| > | > >> > The bcentral tech said that they did not know what file
| > linkinfo.btr was
| > | > >> and
| > | > >> > if it would be safe to delete this file or not.
| > | > >> > Can I delete this file without all the information being lost?
| > is the
| > | > >> > file linkinfo.btr for anyway?
| > | > >> > Please help me because I do not know what to do.
| > | > >> > Thank you,
| > | > >> > Marilyn
| > | > >> >
| > | > >> >
| > | > >>
| > | > >>
| > | > >>
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| >
| >

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