Help needed.
I created a macro that was used only by myself, however this macro now needs
to be used by others.
The macro opens files saved in my c:\documents and settings\max28052\ etc.
The required files have been exported from the corporate database, the files
are automatically named and saved to the users c:\documents and
settings\"username - of the logged on user"\.
I would like to know if I can change my macro to open the required file
regardless of the logged on user. eg Currently my macro has the full file
path c:\documents and settings\max28052\help.xls is there any way it read
c:\documents and settings\"username"\help.xls so that I do not have to
recreate a macro for each individual officer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I created a macro that was used only by myself, however this macro now needs
to be used by others.
The macro opens files saved in my c:\documents and settings\max28052\ etc.
The required files have been exported from the corporate database, the files
are automatically named and saved to the users c:\documents and
settings\"username - of the logged on user"\.
I would like to know if I can change my macro to open the required file
regardless of the logged on user. eg Currently my macro has the full file
path c:\documents and settings\max28052\help.xls is there any way it read
c:\documents and settings\"username"\help.xls so that I do not have to
recreate a macro for each individual officer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.