File (pathway) Contains No Data



Access 2000 on XP Home Edition
I have run into a first-time situation where the Link Text Wizard will not
access a legitimate text file. Instead of opening the wizard, it pops up a
notification that "File X:\Company\order.txt does not contain data". I've
tested a brand new database test copy with tab delimited as well as comma
delimited text files, both of which produce the same error type message that
declare no data. This problem is occuring on my client's machine which I
access through PCAnywhere. When I bring the text files to my PC which also
has XP Home Edition with Office 2003, the Link Table Wizard works fine with
the same file.

On the client machine, Excel files link just fine. It seems to be only text

John Nurick

The first thing to try is to re-register the relevant DLL:

If the import/export wizards don't work at all, re-register ACCWIZ.DLL

If it's one or more file formats that aren't listed, re-register the
following files
msexcl40.dll (Excel)
msxbse40.dll (dBase)
mspdox40.dll (Paradox)
mstext40.dll (Text, CSV, tab-delimited))
In Access 97, the filenames contain 35 instead of 40.

To re-register a DLL file,

1) Locate it (usually all these are in the Windows\System32 or
WINNT\System32 folder.

2) Locate the file regsvr32.exe.

3) Drag the DLL file's icon onto the regsvr32.exe icon.

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