robgraham said:
When I try to save some Word docs I get a message saying that a file
error prevents this. I click OK and a message appears saying would I like
retry. I say yes and it saves it as a squiggleWRLxxxx.tmp.doc file. What's
going on?
Rob Graham
I had the following problem (sounds similar to yours)... This fixed it for
MS Office Word 2003 (11.8227.8221) XP Pro SP3
Kaspersky AV Compaq DeskPro EN
Creating a simple single page letter and saving as a Word Document is fine.
On changing a couple of words and trying to save I get the following error
message: "Word cannot complete the save due to a file permission error"
If I hit Ok and answer Yes to "Do you want to retry the save?" the file
name changes to ~WRL1860.tmp. If I change the file name back to the
original it saves fine. Sometimes I can do several saves without the error
then several more saves and get the error again each time. I Googled the
error message and get over a thousand hits but haven't found a solution to
the problem.
Answering No to "Do you want to retry the save?" results in error message:
"There is an unrecoverable disk error on file ~WRL1860.
The disk you're working on has a media problem that prevents Word from using
Try the following:
* Try formatting another disk.
* Save the document to another disk."
Disk Checking within Computer Management shows the disk to be error free and
the disk and system overall is working fine apart from the above problem
As a test I loaded Word on to a spare PC with the same result.
Can anyone help with a solution?