File Permissions



Good Morning:

I have reinstalled Frontpage 2002 and now I am unable to
open my web on the computer. The error states server
error. Unable to access "C:\My Documents\My Webs\images4
\_vti_pvt\service.lck". Please check file permissions.

I do not know if this is a Frontpage problem or a problem
with Windows. The computer crashed and I had to reinstall


David Berry

Stop the web server then find and delete that file and then restart the web
server and do a Recalculate Hyperlinks on your web.


I am new at this. What do you mean by stop the web server?

Do you mean open the publish log in Frontpage 2002, delete
the file. Then recalculate hyperlinks?

Thanks for your help and your patience! Ercelle

David Berry

Start, Programs, Administrative Tools, Services. Click the IIS Admin
Service and click the little stop icon (a square) on the tool bar. It looks
like your VCR buttons. This will also stop FTP, SMTP and WWW. Once they've
all stopped, delete the file. Now click on each one of the items that were
stopped and restart them by clicking the start icon (looks like a VCR play


Thank you. I have windows 98, and I do not remember
seeing Administrative tools on the menu, but I will
check. thanks again. Ercelle

David Berry

If you have Windows 98 then it's not there. Are you using Personal Web
Server? If so, open that and stop it.

David Berry

If it happens when you try and open a web on your PC then it's a local
problem. if it happens when you try to open a web that's on your ISP's
server then it's their problem and they need to delete the file.


I have deleted both the _vti and _private files from the
My webs folder, but for some reason. Frontpage continues
to see those files when I open Frontpage, and will not
give me access. I have even rebooted the machine. Now
what do I do?

thanks again,

David Berry

This has to be done on the server. You'll need to get your ISP to correct
this. They make have to do a repair or re-install on the server extensions.


I communicated with the Web Adminstrator and the file
extensions have been recalculated. At this point, I think
that web file is corrupted. Since I was planning to build
another website anyway, I will do that and delete this
web. Thank you so much for your help. Ercelle

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