File Properties Code


John Michl

How can I manipulate the File Properties for a Workbook. I tried recording
a macro following the keystrokes File | Properties and then entered data for
Title, Subject and Author but nothing appeared in the macro.

I'm trying to use the subject field to record a version number and date for
the model and transfer this exact data to a splash screen. My thought is
I'd entered the current version number and date in a cell which would be
transferred to the File | Properties when the workbook is saved and
transfers to the splash screen when the workbook is opened.

Thanks for the help.

Tom Ogilvy

Look at document properties and builtindocument properties

See Chip Pearson's page on this topic:

although not shown as a property in the object browser (or by intellisense),
this works

? activeworkbook.subject
This is the subject

Activeworkbook.Subject = "My new subject"
? activeworkbook.Subject
My new subject

Tested in Excel 2000.

John Michl

Spoke a little too soon. It works like a charm except for the "Company"
Property. The author updates fine but I receive a run time 438 - object
doesn't support this property" error on the Company statement. Is there a
different name for this proporty? I created a list of names using the code
in example 2. Thanks.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

ActiveWorkbook.Author = "John A. Michl"
ActiveWorkbook.Company = "John Michl Consulting"

End Sub

Sub GetProps()
rw = 1
For Each p In ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties
Cells(rw, 2).Value = p.Value
rw = rw + 1
End Sub

Tom Ogilvy


Private Sub Workbook_Open()

ActiveWorkbook.Author = "John A. Michl"
ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Company").Value _
= "John Michl Consulting"
End Sub

It looks like it only supports Title, Author and Subject directly (I didn't
do extensive testing).

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