I have read many of the wonderful post regarding this topic. I see the
offerred online help article but it, like many of the post here, refer to
changing the number of maximum locks. Before I assume to attempt this, let
me explain my plight.
I am working for a company who have techies that would be doing this.
Unfortunately they are still stuck in Office '97 and very slowly upgrading to
modern times. So my Director took it upon the responsibilities of the role
to get the job done. He sent me to school and learned basic. <<Fast
Forward>> I am doing this without the help of our techies and possibly, the
System Admin. I am at the mercy of my console and computer station controls.
I am creating this project to share not only with my Director but the
Executive VP's as well. So this project will be carried from station to
station. I suspect this complicates my problem, but now any advice would be
extremely appreciated.
offerred online help article but it, like many of the post here, refer to
changing the number of maximum locks. Before I assume to attempt this, let
me explain my plight.
I am working for a company who have techies that would be doing this.
Unfortunately they are still stuck in Office '97 and very slowly upgrading to
modern times. So my Director took it upon the responsibilities of the role
to get the job done. He sent me to school and learned basic. <<Fast
Forward>> I am doing this without the help of our techies and possibly, the
System Admin. I am at the mercy of my console and computer station controls.
I am creating this project to share not only with my Director but the
Executive VP's as well. So this project will be carried from station to
station. I suspect this complicates my problem, but now any advice would be
extremely appreciated.