File size becomes huge when inserting a graphic




I have an Office2K Word document ("Doc A") that becomes a whopping 5mb in
size when I insert a company logo. What's odd is that this exact same logo
was copied (right-clicked on the logo) from another word document ("Doc B")
and pasted into "Doc A", yet the file size of "Doc B" is tiny (174k) even
though it has the same logo in it.

Is there anything I can do to reduce the size of the Word "Doc A" to match
the size of Word "Doc B"?

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

To add a bit to the previous reply here are a couple
of things you can check.

In File=>Properties in Word uncheck the picture preview
box if checked.

In Tools=>Options=>Save be sure that Allow Fast Saves isn't
being used and that the Word document format is the one being
used for saving.

Open a new, blank document and use Edit=>Paste Special
to see what paste format is selected by default. That
can also impact the document size when you can't use
Insert=>Picture from File to place the graphic in the


I have an Office2K Word document ("Doc A") that becomes a whopping 5mb in
size when I insert a company logo. What's odd is that this exact same logo
was copied (right-clicked on the logo) from another word document ("Doc B")
and pasted into "Doc A", yet the file size of "Doc B" is tiny (174k) even
though it has the same logo in it.

Is there anything I can do to reduce the size of the Word "Doc A" to match
the size of Word "Doc B"? >>
Let us know if this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Office 2003 Editions explained


The doc that was huge turned out to be Word 6.0/95. When I saved the file
(save... as) as a later version in Word, the file size went down to only 73k
even with the logo in it.
Interesting that I didn't see anywhere in the properties what version that
one doc was originally created/saved in.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

File | Properties may not reveal the version, but if you set File | Open to
the Properties view, it will show the version.

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