File size explosion on printing


Teacher Tim


I have encountered a strange problem with a .doc which was emailed to my
wife. It is a 56 Kb file with text only, no graphics. I don't know what
version of Word it was created in but I am using Word 2002.

When Word sends this file to my printer (HP Deskjet F380) the file takes
forever to transfer and, if I check it (Control Panel/Printers and Faxes/HP
Deskjet) the file shows as being 15.6 Mb... no wonder it's taking so long.

I checked for Macros but there weren't any listed so I don't think it's a


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Printing involves "rasterizing," which is basically creating a bitmap of the
page to send to the printer, which is why the spool files are so large.

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