File Size growing for no reason


John Eddy

I have just finished creating a template for my company
that file size was an issue with. The original document
was about 300K and they didn't want it to get much larger
than that. I managed to keep it around 400k after adding
VBA code but now every time I make a change to the
document, no matter how small, the file size jumps about
100k! Even when I delete something. Today I deleted a
userform and the code associated with it but the file grew
90k! I've made a few changes to the document today and now
it's over 700k! I've put alot of work into this document
but they won't use it at this size. Help!

What's causing this? Is there anything I can do to stop it
and is there anyway I can remove whatever has made it jump
the 300k today?

Thanks for your help,


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