File Size


Laura Townsend

Hello All,

I'm trying to insert a graphic image of a letterhead at the top and bottom
of the first page of a word doc, and the file size is HUGE -- over 2 megs.

I've tried saving the graphic images in sevaral formats -- png, lower
quality jpg, bmp, gif, etc. What's strange is that I've gotten the file
size of the graphic images pretty small in some of my attempts, but as soon
as I insert them into a word doc, and align them, the Word file becomes
huge. The size of the graphic seems irrelevant.

Any ideas?

Laura Townsend

Nevermind, I just solved my own problem by following the advice in a post
below -- when I copy/pasted the image or chose insert object and got it, it
was huge. But I tried the "insert picture from file" method and it's quite
reasonable in size now!


Vocátional© & Technicál© Educátion®

You may want to test inserting into a table - Why didn't I think of that...?

Best regards, Jeff @ (e-mail address removed)

" the irrepressible revolutionist."

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I had a similar problem with Word 2002 and noticed that
the default save word file as (Tools - Options - Save -
Save Word Files As) was set to Word 97-2002 & 6.0/95 - RTF
(*.doc). I changed this default to Word Document(*.doc)
and the file size difference was staggering!

Simple Print Screen saved as
Word 97-2002 & 6.0/95 - RTF(*.doc) = 1,483 KB
Word Document(*.doc) = 54 KB


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