file type name



In all versions of Windows with all versions of Microsoft Office, the file
type for Office files appears in file lists as "Microsoft Office ...". When
the file type column is narrow (as is usually the case) all you see is
"Microsoft Off..." or something similar. The display would be more
informative if the individual product name was placed before the package
name. If Word was displayed as "Word document - Microsoft Office" instead of
"Microsoft Office Word document", users could easily see which file belonged
to which applications. Most of my files appear in the file type column as
"Microsoft Office..." giving me little information as to the exact type.

Thank you


Whenever you are opening or saving a file, if you have "show details" on, the
file type column tends to show only "Microsoft Office..." This problem
occurs on Win7, Vista, XP, NT etc.

JoAnn Paules

You can change that in Windows Explorer. Or you can just make your columns a
little wider so you can see the entiore string of text.


I have no issues with either saving or opening but then perhaps because I
rarely open from with the Office component

Dian D. Chapman, MVP

Just stretch out the open/save window and/or move the columns over to
see more info and/or right click the column headers to include more
details to better define what you're seeing and/or you can type *.doc
(or *.docx) in the input box and then ONLY those types of files will
be displayed.

Dian D. Chapman
Technical Consultant, Microsoft MVP
MOS Certified Instructor, Editor/TechTrax Ezine
Tech Editor for Word & Office 2007 Bibles

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Wow, you didn't get very helpful replies here! I came here looking fo
the same thing, and I found a solution. It takes a bit of effort, but i
works. I suppose I could write a .reg file to automate it, but I a
being a bit lazy

Go in the registry to "My Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\". For each entr
under that section like Access.xxxxx or Excel.xxxxx or Word.xxxxx
PowerPoint.xxxxx, etc., edit the "(Default)" value to take out the word
"Microsoft Office " at the beginning (include the space after "Office".

Then you have to reboot for it to take effect


Sorry, but I am new here and I can't figure out how to edit my previou
post, so I will just post a new comment

Ignore what I wrote previously, there is a much easier way to do this
In Windows XP, go to Windows Explorer. In the menu bar, click -Tools-,
Folder Options-. On the -File Types- tab, find the file type you want t
change. Highlight it, then click the -Advanced -button. Edit th
description at the top of the new window, then click -Ok-. Repeat a
necessary. Then just close and re-open explorer to see the results

I hope that helps

Bob I

This is a actually a newsgroup, so you can't edit posts that have
propagated to all the news servers around the world, including the ones
that expired the the old thread you apparently intended to reply to.
Please be aware that unless you quote what you are replying to, most
folks aren't going to know what you are talking about, because there
isn't any reference any more.

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