Tactics said:
i am using excel mac 2004 on a g5.
while working on the file the program quit.
now i can't open the file!!!
but i can open the worksheet in word.
someone please give me some insight.
What does "I can't open the file" mean?
Does XL not start when you double-click the file in the Finder? Does the
file not open when you try File/Open from within XL? Do you get an error
message? Does XL simply quit again? Is it just this file, or all XL
files? Can you create and reopen new files? The likely cause will be
different depending on the answers to those questions.
For general XL troubleshooting, see
It's getting a bit old, but most of the suggestions should work (one
difference: XL Prefs are now stored in a file named
If it's just that particular file, you can try opening it in WinXL02/03,
both of which deal better with corruption than XL04.
Alternatively, I've had great success with corrupt files using
OpenOffice. The most convenient version is the free NeoOffice/J which
you can get here: